Determining the best ways to use the space you have isn’t as difficult as it sounds. If you’re tired of clutter and clutter, use these tips to get your house in order. Things will be easy to find, everything will have a place, and messy closets will be a thing of the past.

Many people like to buy extras of certain things so they have them when they need them. While it’s a good idea to be prepared, be sure to plan where you’ll put all these extras. If you don’t have space for it, it will most likely end up in a pile or stacked in a closet. Inevitably, you won’t be able to find it when you need it and you’ll end up spending more money to buy another one. This is a common problem in many homes.

Lack of storage space doesn’t have to mean lack of storage. Tidy cabinets, desks, and closets take a bit of work, but you are capable of doing it yourself. First you have to get rid of what you don’t use, even if it’s new. Some people keep office supplies ready to go years and years without touching them. If you really think you won’t use them, give them to friends and family, or donate them to a local school, daycare, or nonprofit organization.

Use large boxes to separate items for junk, gifts, garage sale items, and storage items. Once you’ve cleared the space, make lots or lots of the things you keep to determine which categories you need to organize. For a desk, you might have office supplies, bills, letters, things to do, computer cables, battery chargers, CDs and DVDs, upcoming events, photos, books, software, paper, and ink for printers. There are many things not to have organized them! Matching labeled bins or dedicated shelves for certain items can help you quickly find what you need and avoid the dreaded piles that are so common on people’s desks.

Take your boxes to the next area to organize, the closet. Again, get everything out. Quickly decide what can be thrown away, given away or sold. Fill your boxes until your closet is empty. Place your items that will remain on the bed. This will give you a large area to work on. Go through the items you are saving and categorize them. Large storage bins or mobile clothing racks are a must for storing out-of-season clothing.

With what’s left, you can create the most space by hanging it according to length. You can choose to separate by use; work clothes, casual clothes, etc. Whatever you do, you’ll need to replace combination hangers with space-saving hangers. Cascading hooks or back accessories can turn ordinary hangers into specialty hangers, creating up to fifty percent more space. The best space saving hangers are called slim line hangers. Its slim design is accompanied by superior resistance and a velvety surface that does not let clothes slide on the floor. Putting your house in order will help you maximize space and organize your life.

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