When I was in elementary school, we were taught that wealthy ancient Romans tickled the back of their throats with a feather to induce vomiting after dinner. Although that ritual probably ruined any postprandial romance (unless mouthwash was provided with the meal), it allowed them to partake in their greatest delight: eating more food. Whether that custom is mythical or not, it brings to mind similar modern practices of many Americans today.

Sometimes I ask insulin dependent diabetics a simple but revealing question. If they could give up all food except a few basic green vegetables for a month and by doing so cure themselves of their diabetes, would they do it? Unfortunately, the answer is always a resounding “no”. They explained to me that they are not willing to deny themselves any food. Rather than control their diet, they prefer to inject additional insulin when necessary.

Once I was out with a friend late at night and we stopped in for a bite to eat after watching a movie. She suffered from heartburn and acid reflux, and she wondered aloud if it was too late to take a prescription pill for her condition. She pondered her options for a moment and then confidently popped the pill into her mouth. She then proceeded to order cheese fries, a bacon cheeseburger and some onion rings, despite the late hour. Surprised by his decision, I asked him why she didn’t avoid those foods and order something lighter and easier to digest. He looked at me in disbelief and then explained that this was the purpose of the pills. I suggested that he should give up another tub of greasy, buttered popcorn at the next movie night. I could save you a pill.

Fried foods, trans fats, sugary desserts and salty snacks: why avoid them when a simple pill will counteract their harmful effects? People I know would rather take medication for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes. In fact, we can alleviate most of these health conditions, including physical pain, insomnia, and arthritis, by modifying our dietary intake. However, few people will deny themselves the foods they enjoy.

When it comes to weight loss, almost everyone tries over-the-counter diet pills before sacrificing that extra helping of greasy fries or a sweet and tempting dessert. When those pills fail, many turn to prescription weight-loss drugs. Also, as I pointed out in my article, “The Truth About Weight Loss,” many people prefer to endure grueling exercise regimens they fear and hate, rather than deny themselves foods that whisper their sweet names as they pass through the refrigerator. . By the way, my fridge has an attractive female British accent. Although I haven’t gotten his name yet. The decision to exercise and ignore diet is often a losing proposition, because it’s hard to lose weight on a treadmill with a milkshake in one hand and a chicken wrap in the other.

For people who are extremely overweight, some prefer to undergo operations such as gastric banding, liposuction, gastric bypass, or stomach stapling rather than modify their diet. Whatever the garlic, Americans prefer to pop pills, work out their jiggly bellies, or have surgery, even though all operations carry some risk and almost all medications have side effects.

Centuries ago, Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Therefore, we have long known the association between a healthy diet and good health. But it has been purposefully forgotten or ignored in modern society.

Historians still debate whether the Roman nobility actually used feathers to induce vomiting. After all, vomiting is not a pleasant experience. And I imagine one’s appetite would be suppressed a bit afterwards, especially if your seat is closest to the vomitorium.

Today, too many Americans are willing to endure almost any level of suffering to lose excess weight, except to sacrifice the foods they love. It may not be as unsettling as tickling the back of your throat with a feather, but the result is eerily similar.

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