You may find the fear of clowns included in a long list of phobias. It is called coulrophobia in its technical term. As far as my research goes, no one mentioned when this type of phobia started or how it developed. It only targets movies shown in the past that depict horror in their characters’ dreams or experiences. Children love entertainment, as do adults. And clowns have always been a part of the entertainment world. Before we delve into what to do to help you, let’s first take a look at a few symptoms or signs.

How to know when you can’t face a clown

Before curing any type of disease, the doctor must diagnose and look for signs that confirm the disease. The same goes for phobias. The signs of fear of clowns or Coulrophobia are not very different from any type of phobia. The usual manifestations when you see something you fear are dread, sweating, even dizziness or nausea. Let’s examine one by one. Fear: this means that you are too scared and can be expressed by screaming or not being able to move. Sweating: Your body’s reaction to stress is to produce sweat. When you see something you don’t want to see, you get stressed. Then sweating happens. Dizziness or nausea: Some phobic people tend to lose consciousness when faced with their fears. This happens due to the lack of oxygen reaching the brain. Fear can disrupt normal activities within your body.

These three symptoms mentioned are just some of the ones that can probably identify you. Others could be more serious. Now that you know how you can determine whether or not you can face your fear, it is time that you also know how to overcome that fear if you have no other choice.

Steps to not lose ground

I never heard of anyone who wanted to live forever with their fear. And if you are one of the people who has your own fears, it is not too late to overcome them. It can even be of great help to your children or grandchildren in the future. You see, overcoming your fear is not easy. But let me tell you this, overcoming your fear is simply preparing yourself to face it.

To prepare, you must follow a plan. So the first step I recommend you do is understand why you are afraid. In particular, we are dealing here with her fear of clowns. So how did that fear end in your life? Could it be a movie that you saw? Or a story you heard? Perhaps an embarrassment that you experienced because of a clown?

Once you know how it got into you, now is the time to prepare to let it out. You can do research on clowns. But obviously everyone knows that a clown is a human being with a painted face. However, to keep the peace, you might want to join an arts club that paints clowns or maybe a kids clown costume party. This isn’t great advice, but it’s a good one to start with. Once you feel comfortable wearing clown costumes or drawing them on paper, try going to see a clown show to test yourself. If you don’t have that tingly feeling, congratulations! You did it! And I guarantee that if you have a child with that fear, you will certainly know what to do.

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