The Destiny Number in a numerology chart is calculated using a person’s full birth name. This is the full name that appears on their birth certificate, unless they were adopted shortly after birth and their name was changed. In that case, the new name can be used. Write the full name with space below the letters to write the number that corresponds to each one. A, J, and S are represented by the number 1. B, K, and T are represented by the number 2. C, L, and U are the number 3. D, M, and V are the number 4. E, N, and W are 5. F, O, and X are 6. G, P, and Y are 7. H, Q, and Z are 8. I and R are 9.

To calculate the Destiny Number, add the numbers of each part of the name, reduce the total if it is not between 1 and 9 (or 11 or 22, the master numbers). Then add the reduced results of each part of the name and reduce again if necessary. For the name Jane Doe Smith, it would start with Jane, which would be 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 or 12, which reduces to 3. Doe would be 4 + 6 + 5 or 15, which reduces to 6. Smith would be 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 or 24, which reduces to 6. Add them together and 3 + 6 + 6 or 15, which reduces to 6. Jane Doe Smith’s destiny number would be 6.

For those who have a Destiny Number of 2, their life will be focused on understanding other people and the complexities of the world around them. They are likely to take on the role of mediator in many of life’s situations due to their sensitivity to others. They will inspire others with their exemplary lifestyle. There is a deep inner strength and insight that would suit this person well for a career in social work, philosophy, teaching, or counseling. Their ability to see the true nature of people and situations can make them appear almost psychic.

There is a dependency on others and they work best in a group setting. Their modesty will only grow with age and they may feel very uncomfortable talking about or acknowledging their own achievements. Others may even take credit for this person’s work, but they won’t be charged as this person wouldn’t care. They are considerate, cooperative, and courteous to the point that they can become too passive if left unchecked. They are great project organizers as they are extremely detail oriented.

They will be popular with others due to their friendly demeanor. Their idealism and open-hearted nature can easily cause them to get hurt. Insecurity, shyness and uncertainty can be negative aspects associated with this number. There may also be a nervousness that can cause an uneven temperament. These people are more dreamers than achievers and tend to spread their dream ideas to everyone close to them.

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