Wondering how to close your lips on a second date? It all starts with a second date first, so don’t ignore how important the first date is. This article is divided into two parts. Part 1 is “act right on the first date so you have a second date.” Part 2 is “How to close your lips on a second date.”

Part 1: Act correctly on the first date to have a second date

A lot of guys just “improvise” when it comes to the important first date. “I’ll be myself” is what they say. They then wonder why the girl who enthusiastically accepted the first date is suddenly cold and distant when it comes to trying to date again.

Here are some rules of thumb for a first date (and really, ALL your dates with her).

1. Be a gentleman by holding her chair, opening her car door, and for God’s sake, don’t look at other women when you’re dating her. Also, keep your eyes focused on hers, and no, uh, lower, if you know what I mean.

Also, keep the date around 2-3 hours. There is no point in trying to go on an 8 hour date. They will just wear each other down and won’t have enough time with her to survive that kind of bond. Have you ever heard the statement “familiarity breeds contempt”? At first this is so true.

You have to spoon feed him so that he is always anticipating the next time you meet. Dating women is a marathon, NOT a sprint.

2. Don’t talk about how you think the world is going to end in 2012. You may accept all that calendar stuff, but a date is not the appropriate place for that or any other “serious” topic. Save the serious stuff for a philosophy class. Always keep things light and fun with her.

3. Grabbing is good when you’re on a game show trying to get that many balls in your hands in a minute to win a big prize. Grabbing is not good on the date with her. I understand that you are attracted to her, but I just know that she knows when is the right time for you to touch her. Don’t put your arm around her, try to make her sit on your lap, rub her shoulders, or whatever. Heard from so many women that guys who walk into their space too early TURN THEM OFF. If he wants to brush your arm or leg while laughing, calm down. But you stay away from her!

Also, having him touch you like this is a sign that he likes you. You will never get that signal if you step into her space and have your paws on her. You would leave the date wondering if he was touching you because he likes you or if he was trying to get away from you!

4. This goes along with n. 2. DO NOT talk about all the disappointments in your life, ESPECIALLY ex-lovers. She doesn’t care that you didn’t buy the video game when you were 5, the car when you were 16, or the love of your life at 22. She is ONLY to see if she likes you enough to see you again for a while. second date. Make her laugh and keep things light.

5. Don’t reveal too much personal information about yourself, ESPECIALLY how you feel about her. Many guys say how much they like the girl and would love to see her again. That turns women off because despite what they say, they like to chase a guy.

When you say “I think this date is going great, I really like you, maybe we can do this again,” then she might smile and say that she likes you too. You might even eagerly accept another date. Make no mistake, however, you lowered their LEVEL OF INTEREST in yourself by telegraphing your true feelings.

Your INTEREST LEVEL is like real interest in a savings account. Money does not earn interest in your pocket, it earns interest when you invest it. Her INTEREST LEVEL does not increase in you when you are in her face telling you how much you like her, it increases when you are not around and she wonders what you are doing.

Also, don’t give her too many compliments (you’re allowed 2, “you look good” at first and “I had fun” at the end) and DO NOT give her gifts. That means there are no flowers during the date (or after) and no candy, bears, shiny things, etc. His INTEREST LEVEL does not increase from what you give him.

Do you know what kind of women respond to gifts from a guy they just started dating? MERCENARIES. Do you really want a MERCENARY?

6. Last but not least, call her only every 5-9 days and only ask her out on weekdays until she specifically asks why you don’t take her out on weekend nights. Obviously, that won’t happen between date 1 and 2, so after date 1, wait 5-9 days and ask her out again for one day of the week. During those 5-9 days, if he had a good time and laughed a lot on your first date, he will be thinking and anticipating date 2. His INTEREST LEVEL in you will increase.

So, you have acted well on the first date, she had a lot of fun, you have made her wonder about you by not calling her right away, and she is anticipating a second date. As you can see, this will make her much more willing and excited to kiss you on date 2. Which brings us now to part 2.

Part 2: How to close your lips on a second date

Date 2 should reflect date 1 in how you act, but now you’ve set yourself up as a cool guy with her.

She’s available because she’s gotten rid of all the other guys except you (so far). What did the “rejected” boys do?

I bet they tried to call a lot, they wanted to be in her space touching her, they told her how much they liked her, they gave her a lot of compliments, they wanted to fit into 3 dates the first week they met her, they told her. how much they miss their ex-girlfriend, send her flowers and mostly become a plague.

You’re the gentle guy who pulls out his chair, makes her laugh, and makes her wonder what you’re up to between dates. Believe it or not, even if you are at home in your boxers playing an online video game every night that you are not with her, she will still think that you have 5-6 more women to knock out. box for your darling. Well, she’ll think that if you’re not in her face calling her and giving her gifts.

Women love to think that they have to get other women out of the ring to get you. I don’t know why this is so, but it is!

So on the second date, have fun, make her laugh, keep your hands to yourself, and end the date after 2-3 hours like on the first date.

Take her to the door like on the first date (like the gentleman you are), tell her you had fun, and then go get the kiss. If he returns it, you have a good candidate for date 3. If he turns his head or backs up, you have to erase his number!

Plus, you’re the one who kisses back first! Don’t stay and kiss until the sun comes up. Any other boy would do that. Well the guys who are trying to make dating women a career. You know it is a marathon and each appointment should be based on the previous one. Remember, she always needs to look forward to being with you next time and to be excited about it.

Remember guys, if you are wondering how to close your lips on a second date, keep in mind that it starts with a strategy to employ from date 1 onwards!

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