Funeral Songs in Singapore

Made it more convenient for the family members to be able to pay for the funeral service. But this does not mean that the funeral planning process has been relaxed at any cost.

It is still expected that you will work with the branch of the Government responsible for giving the allots. They are still the ones that have to make sure that the funds are sufficient. The allocations are based on your social security number. This helps them to establish whether or not the family is financially fit to cover for such an expensive service. It also shows how your family copes with their retirement years.

There are certain rules and regulations that you must follow Funeral Singapore. For instance, the casket that you will be using cannot be made from a material other than wood. Only solid wood can be used. Also, the crematorium that you will use must be registered with the department. You will be given all the documents that you need to prove that you know the person who passed away.

Funeral Songs in Singapore Phase Three

As per the Family Services Act, you cannot hold a memorial candle service outside the funeral home. You may hold it inside. However, if you do, there has to be a written memorial done and the service conducted solemnly. And there is no such thing as a ‘funeral eulogy’ in Singapore. This was established by the Family Services Act and you have to follow the law.

Under the Allowing Private Funerals Act, you can hold your own service at home. There is however, a formal submission procedure. You need to fill in a form that tells about you, the deceased, your relationship to the deceased, date of birth and the fact that you do not have a family. The crematorium will be informed and if it agrees to the service, they will send someone to look over the body for the necessary paperwork. They will also inform the family if there are any charges. Under the Cremation Certificate, the body is cremated within a day or two at the nearest crematory.

Under the Remains of the Human Body Act, after the service, the casket is taken to the mortuary and there the remains will be given to the family. However, under some conditions, such as if the body was not burned, the remains may not be given to the family until the court decides on the cremation laws. The Family Service Act on the other hand, says that the remains will be given to the family upon the death of the individual. After this is complete, the casket is removed from the church and given to the family for storage. Under the Good Friday Agreement, the funeral attendees should visit the grave site prior to the burial.

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