Efficient AC Repair Tips

When your AC system works properly, it cools your home quickly and effectively. However, there are times when your system can become less efficient than you want it to be. It might be due to a dirty filter or air leaks. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent these issues.

Your indoor supply vents need to remain clear for your system to distribute cool air properly. If dust, debris or furniture is blocking the vents, this causes your system to work harder to cool your house. The airflow is impeded and the system overworks, which ultimately leads to higher energy bills.

To keep your filters clean, make sure you change them regularly. The minimum efficiency reporting value, or MERV, rating for a filter indicates the quality of filtration it provides. Ideally, you should get a MERV 16 or higher filter to ensure your home gets the best air quality.

A clean filter will also help your ac repair near me to maintain peak performance levels. Dirty filters can cause the air conditioner to overwork and can eventually wear out the compressor or condenser coils.

If your air conditioner cycles on and off frequently, this is a sign that it needs repairs. The thermostat may be worn out, or there could be a problem with the compressor or refrigerant line. It’s important to have a professional examine your system before it becomes more serious.

Energy Efficient AC Repair Tips

You can help your central AC system to run more efficiently by keeping blinds or shades down during the day to shield south-facing windows from intense sunlight. You should also use awnings to protect windows on other sides of your home.

The location of your thermostat is also important to consider. The ideal location is away from direct sunlight, drafts, doorways, skylights and windows. You should also try to avoid placing furniture or curtains where they might block airflow through the vents.

Leaks in your air ducts can reduce your energy efficiency significantly. These leaks force the cool air that your air conditioning system has to work harder to pump through your entire home, which ultimately costs you more money in utility bills. Leaks can be caused by old or poorly installed ductwork, faulty sealing or simply worn-out components like contactors and start/run capacitors.

You should check for leaks often, and use foil tape or duct mastic to seal small gaps in the ductwork. For window AC units, you can stuff foam into the gap between the device and the window frame to seal it.

You should clean the outdoor condenser unit regularly as well. Check it for dirt and debris, and remove any plants or shrubs that have grown too close to the unit. Leaving a two-foot clearance around the unit can help it operate more efficiently. A licensed technician can inspect and clean the unit to identify problems that you might not be able to see. A professional can also suggest other ways to improve your energy efficiency.

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