Correct breathing technique is paramount to a truly great orgasm! The human body doesn’t function at its best when dehydrated from not drinking enough water, however, oxygen starvation during intercourse will cripple a great orgasm for men and women.

Today I am going to write about the importance of the male body receiving adequate oxygen during sexual intercourse. The correct breathing technique during sex can explode an average male orgasm to heights of delicious ecstasy, tingling throughout the body, shaking legs and a nuclear energy blast of orgasm throughout the entire body from the tips of your toes to the top of the head. For men, who usually only feel the energy of their orgasm between their thighs, the correct breathing technique can turn the average male orgasm into a mind-blowing and devastating full-body event.

Do I have your attention now?

Unfortunately, it is the human male who misses out on full body orgasm, multiple orgasms with delayed ejaculation, and if a man wants, orgasm without ejaculating at all! Slow, relaxed abdominal breathing is the key to truly sensational recreational sex.

Guys slow deep tummy breathing will increase your lung capacity which can increase your stamina and sexual power. Slow, deep abdominal breathing will oxygenate every cell in your body. Taking it easy will allow your body to feel more sensation, and orgasm is energy, and once the erotic energy begins to pulsate around the body, the explosion and release is amazing!

This is what you do…

The next time you give yourself pleasure, take it easy and take a deep breath down to your navel. Breathe through your nose, all the energy should be in the inhalation, then relax, open your mouth and let the air slowly out of your mouth.

If it takes 2-3 seconds to breathe in through your nose, wait 4-5 seconds to slowly breathe out through your mouth. Remember to keep your body relaxed, do not rush masturbation, breathe in and out, slowly and deeply, and allow your body to feel and experience the wonderful sensations that your body will begin to feel.

Guys take it easy, however, even if they masturbate quickly, they can still breathe slowly! To fully release your orgasmic energy, to every cell in your body, allow your body to moan “aarrgghh”. It’s amazing how many human beings don’t make noise during sex!

Breathe – Relax – Feel – Take it easy – Make some sound – Savor your experience!

Finally guys, when you feel your orgasm about to explode, allow your whole body to completely relax and “aarrgghh” your mouth to release. Keep breathing. Wow, your experience should be out of this world. Just amazing!

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