Having depression can be quite… well… depressing. Sorry for the lack of proper expression, but the main thing is that we all know that depression can be quite devastating. It is an obstacle to our social advancement as well as our personal happiness.

There are some cases where people find relief from depression by eating foods or dietary supplements that increase the level of tryptophan. Tryptophan is a type of amino acid responsible for the production of serotonin.

There is also a study that shows that carbohydrates are a supplement against depression. Decreases premenstrual syndrome for about three hours.

Simply eating a high-density carbohydrate can lessen the effect of depression on the body. Carbohydrates repair the imbalance in the ration of the specific fatty acid. Fatty acid imbalances can affect the risk of depression.

There is also a study that shows an association between moderate consumption of caffeinated beverages that decrease symptoms of depression; any excess can increase the risk. A proper diet also helps reduce the tendency to commit suicide, in which depression is one of the main causes. In this study, doctors have formulated that by drinking coffee or tea, you can reduce the effect of depression.

There are also certain habits that contain harmful substances that can trigger the symptoms of depression, such as the consumption of alcoholic beverages, excessive smoking and drug overdose.

Vitamins and other dietary nutrients such as B vitamins, iodine, vitamin C, calcium, and amino complexes have been associated with some protection against depression.

Niacin is also very important in the production of tryptophan which helps promote vitamin B3 and has been found to regulate blood flow to prevent mental depression.

The vitamin B12 and calcium ingredients can help depression that occurs during the monthly menstrual period. In the year 2001, there was a study that proves that this vitamin can prevent postpartum depression.

These types of food supplements and vitamins can improve the effectiveness of SSRIs and other antidepressants.

To avoid depression, you must choose your food wisely and have a proper diet.

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