“Everyone seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit manifests itself in the laws of the Universe, a spirit far superior to man’s, and before which we, with our modest powers, must humble ourselves. “ –Albert Einstein

The Higgs boson

Is there a secret and invisible force field that rules the universe? Thousands of the most capable and brilliant scientists at the world’s largest atom collider, the Large Hadron Collider on the Swiss-French border, seemed to think so when they confirmed they had found the Higgs boson particle. The existence of this subatomic particle would explain all the others and how they fit into the mystery of life. Physicists refer to it as the “God” particle.

The Huffington Post reports: “This time what was at stake was more than Nobel prizes, bragging rights, or just another peculiarly named addition to the zoo of elementary particles that make up nature at its core. The ‘HIGGS boson.’ would be the only visible manifestation of the Harry Potter notion suggested in 1964 by Peter Higgs of the University of Edinburgh: that there is a secret and invisible force field that makes the universe work. Without the Higgs boson to explain why electrons and matter have mass, everything in the universe would be pretty much the same, a smooth fizz of subatomic debris racing at the speed of light. With Higgs, there could be atoms and stars, and us.”

Pan-STARRS The universe as a busy place

The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) sits atop Maui’s volcano searching for asteroids, comets and other potential visitors from space. Billions of years old, Comet Pan-STARRS, named for its Hawaiian telescope, passed within 100 million miles of Earth the first week of March 2013 and then came within 28 million miles of our sun and within from the orbit of Mercury; its first cruise through the inner solar system and closest motion towards us.

This colossal ball of ice comes from a distant cloud of bodies beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto. As a reminder, in relation to the sun, the planetary alignment is: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Pluto was kicked out of the club and is no longer considered a planet. (See my ezine article PLUTO, Cast Away and Treated Like a Wanderer.) And now, an even brighter visitor is on the way in November: Comet ISON. ISON gets its name from the Russian astronomers of the International Scientific Optical Network.

Since it had never passed Earth before, how was Pan-STARRS propelled into our inner solar system? And why are there so many other aliens in such a short time? The Russians suffered a disaster asteroid collision recently. Why should we care about any of this? The broader implication is the one evoked by William Shakespeare in Hamlet: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of.” Mr. Shakespeare was a very nice guy then and he still is.

Nothing exists that is separate from God

Natural law tells us that there is no right or wrong in the universe. Matter and antimatter act and react in the same orderly way all the time. Even something in our bones tells us that there are no accidents. The planets orbit our sun in the same systematic path. No clock radio screams, “hey, time to get up and get moving, stay in your lane, don’t hit anything in the road.” Everything happens automatically, like breathing. How do all earthly things and all matter in quantum space know this and humans don’t?

Many people conclude that it is because humans live in the ancient brain, the prehistoric vestige of millions of years. Our old conditioned mind has its own rigid ideas about right, wrong, good and bad. We see ourselves as separate from nature, separate from God, filled with fear and anxiety. As long as the old mind continues to live in this duality of the “other”, of being separated, humans cannot be in unity with God.

We learned about life in prehistoric times: when faced with a predator, the human fight-or-flight response manifests itself in aggressive and combative behavior in struggleand flee from potentially threatening situations in flight. Today, the fighting response is similarly manifested in wars between nations, anger, and uncompromising behavior between families; Dare I say political? The flight response can occur through social withdrawal, substance abuse, avoidance behavior such as watching television. We are familiar with all of these dysfunctional patterns.

Oneness Meditation: a planetary shift in consciousness

Along comes a powerful and secular meditation originating from Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan at Oneness University in India. Known as Oneness Meditation (OM), it is given in silence and is available from hundreds of Oneness Meditators in every country in the world and on the Internet. Divine energies are transmitted through the meditator’s eyes to awaken our own spiritual energies. This sacred Blessing is an opportunity to effortlessly break free from the old mind and awaken to the magic and beauty of life. A change in perception occurs from the head to the heart. Flowing through the eyes of the Oneness Meditator, this phenomenon activates a neurobiological change in the brain that naturally accelerates the Awakening process.

Offered in early 2012 by Amma and Bhagavan to facilitate the planetary shift in consciousness, Oneness Meditation is secular and free. There is nothing to do except receive the blessing. No previous experience is necessary. People from all walks of life, all backgrounds, and all religious beliefs experience dramatic positive change in their lives from this simple way of receiving Divine grace. A change in consciousness just happens. Life becomes one lasting moment by Eckhart Tolle: one love, one consciousness, one with all that is.

Seekers talk about their journey from head to heart. But it doesn’t have to be an odyssey. Those few inches can happen in an instant. Since there is nothing that is not God, the “God particle” is inside and outside of you. He is you. On the eve of his birth, Happy Birthday to the father of quantum mechanics, Albert Einstein.

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