For the first time buyer shopping for wheelchair vans in Spokane, the number of options and the factors that affect your best choice can be overwhelming. There are several wheelchair van dealers in Spokane that will help you make the best purchase for you, but it’s important to do your homework and make decisions ahead of time. This will make the process faster and less stressful.

The first decision you need to think about is whether to buy a full-size truck or a minivan. There are differences between them that make each one better for certain needs and circumstances. One of the main differences is that minivans are usually equipped with wheelchair ramps, while full-size vans are usually equipped with wheelchair lifts. The best method of access for you will depend on the size of your wheelchair, whether you are comfortable with a lift, and whether you will be driving. These are all things that will make one access method better than the other.

Another thing to consider is whether you should buy a new or used vehicle. Once again, there are advantages to each. A used wheelchair van is already modified, but it may not be exactly what you need or it may not fit your chair or you as well as it should. A new wheelchair van can be modified to your specifications. A used van is usually less expensive, but the average lifespan of a wheelchair van is around ten years, so a new vehicle may be more suitable for your situation.

You’ll also want to know if you prefer a rear-entry or side-entry elevator or ramp. The main difference between the two is that if the person in a wheelchair will be driving, a side-entry vehicle may be more suitable.

These are the main considerations, but you’ll also want to look at the various options and accessories that are available, such as driving aids (pedal extensions, for example), remote start and remote activation options, and chair or scooter locks.

It may seem daunting to consider all of these options and variables, but finding a reputable Spokane company for wheelchair vans will help relieve some of the stress. Trained salespeople can provide you with more information about your options and provide you with information on the best buy for your individual needs. Many of your decisions will not be made at home, but at the dealership, after you’ve driven around and tested several different vehicles.

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