You are lucky if you have a terrace and a pool at home. You can flaunt them to your neighbors and guests, and be proud of having such a feature. However, there comes a time when you avoid using them, especially in unfavorable weather conditions. So what’s the point of having such features when you can’t use them to the fullest? Roofing of verandas and pools can really help a lot. It can provide you with enough shade and protection from the sun, rain and many other unwanted elements. But how to choose the best of them is a big question. Well, it is not difficult at all because what you have to consider is the suitability of the chosen material in your set of requirements.

Choice of roof material

For roofs there are two popular materials: steel and polycarbonate. While steel provides an easy option for blending and cooling, polycarbonate blocks out harmful UV rays. But that should not be the only parameter when choosing the roofing material, as there are also other factors that determine its suitability. For example, polycarbonate offers the advantage of allowing light to enter. On the contrary, this can be a disadvantage in summers, since it will cause more heat. Steel, on the other hand, is compact, which does not let light in, causing darkness and keeping the environment cool. Colorbond is a popular steel roofing material that is easier to install, durable, lightweight, and weather resistant. However, mixing both can be practically a good idea to reap the benefits of both materials.

Choice of roofing style

You have many options for the shape of the roof. Choose flat, gabled or hipped, each designed and shaped to add a touch of beauty. Still, it would be best if you choose one that complements your home’s exterior design or existing roof structure. Ideally, it shouldn’t be too difficult, but if you’re really feeling it, hiring a designer will be a good idea. The goal is to make the terrace or pool covers match the rest of the structure of the house that should not look strange in any way. When trying to complement the roof with your house, don’t forget to consider the color and style of the house. These factors also affect the overall appearance of the house.

Choice of Verandah Drainage System

Whether it is terrace roofs or swimming pool covers, you must install a good drainage system. In addition, it is necessary that it be separated from the main drainage system of the house. This is because your existing drainage system may not be able to handle the additional rainwater load accumulated from your extended roof. This could also cause roof or wall leaks, resulting in structural damage. Install a standard downspout, but make sure it’s not too close to the house’s foundation. When choosing drain pipes to run horizontally to the roof, opt for U-shaped pipes that are protected by a screen so that debris and other unwanted materials don’t collect in the drain and cause blockages.

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