Introduction to WoW

Unless you’ve been locked in a closet for the last 6 years, you’ve probably heard of the online game called World of Warcraft (WoW), which is rising in popularity and fan base right now. It may not be news to most of us, but have you ever stopped to look at it or wondered what it is that draws so many people to play it?

Does it ever end?

It’s not the short answer, but you can achieve setting goals for yourself that you can reach. The Name says it all, it is literally a world. Some people I’ve talked to have played for months or years and still haven’t seen many areas of the game. There are professions you can do in the game (furrier, for example), endless quests, raids to complete, and scenarios that will remind you of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

should you play?

Well, at first it was hard to understand why one would want to play a game that never ends, but after spending some time playing it, you really started to realize its value. For example, what if the game you loved to play when you were younger was still going? You could get new Mario gear or have new adventures for Zelda. If this appeals to you, you might like to start diving into WoW, where you can create and manage a character of your choice for as long as you like. If you know someone who plays, they can invite you to a free trial by email in the WoW program to recruit a friend.

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