Every year at E3, great game developers come to show off their biggest and best titles to the point where they’ve been developed. Some games are still in the early stages of development and only a small portion of them can be shown as it has been refined specifically for the E3 event. Everyone in the gaming media industry visits E3 and records all the details they can in writing until they return home, where they can write a full report. All of these details are important to readers of gaming magazines and websites, and much of the industry news is spread through this process of hosting events and having journalists write about them.

E3 brings together the biggest names in game development and gives them a space from which to display the games they are most proud of. In 2012, games such as the well-known Far Cry 3 and the first installment of the new Halo trilogy, Halo 4, were shown, providing game journalists with a wealth of information simply from a few minutes of video footage. The advantage of playing a demo or showing a video at E3, rather than having one-on-one interviews with game journalists, is that they all get the same source of information, but must interpret it in their own way.

Companies like Sony and Microsoft are also showing up at E3, not because of a game they are developing, but more because of a new console they hope to launch soon. These two giants can set the stage for the rest of the exhibition, with the announcement of new consoles alongside the games that will appear on them. The biggest and best E3 exhibits are always the ones where new consoles are released, as the new games being made for them use better technology that creates games that are more advanced than anything ever seen on consoles. of the current generation.

Ultimately, the E3 Expo achieves a global event for the gaming industry, an event that will set the tone for the games of the current year and the first half of the following year. The developers’ job at E3 is to wow game journalists with their demos and cinematics of new games that are being developed for release in the near future. The job of the game journalists is then to surprise the public by presenting videos and writing their opinions on them for everyone to read online and in their physical publications, should they produce them.

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