Sometimes people contact me and ask what happens if they skip their daily lean and green meal with Medifast. Sometimes these questions involve cheating and sometimes they don’t. I recently heard someone say, “I’m an accountant and during tax season, I’m forced to skip dinner a lot. This is when I normally eat my lean and green meal. And there’s really no way around this. I just don’t have time to stop what I’m doing and have a healthy meal. It’s not like I’m cheating. I don’t eat any dinner these nights. But I wonder what would be the best option. what to do when I have to skip meals. Should I try to eat extra calories the next day or just forget about it and move on?”

Another example is something like “My coworkers invited me to lunch the other day. Usually this is when I eat my lean and green food, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I just ate at a restaurant. And I wanted a burger.” with fries, so that’s exactly what I ordered. I don’t do this often, but sometimes, you just have to have fun. What do I do now? Should I skip a meal or two the next day to make up for the extra calories? ” I will answer these questions in the next article.

What’s the deal if you skip your Lean and Green and then cheat: It is my opinion that you should not skip any meals the next day to make up for your cheating. Do better the next day and move on. The reason skipping meals is not a good idea is that Medifast is already a low calorie diet and needs constant enough fuel to get into and stay in ketosis. You’re not doing yourself a favor by skipping meals.

What if you’re not cheating but you miss your lean and green because you’re busy and can’t fit in: Don’t beat yourself up too much. As in the example above, just try to move to the next day. There’s no reason to double meals the next day or go through any more trouble. But as I mentioned earlier, skipping meals is not a good idea, even when you’re on a diet and even when you’re busy. In the future, you can always switch your lean and green to a more convenient time (like breakfast) or you can take a Medifast bar or ready-to-drink shake with you to at least eat something. And you can always meet your lean and green criteria with a handpicked frozen dinner or takeout. Many people don’t realize this, but it’s true. All you really need for a lean and green diet is 5 to 7 ounces of lean protein and 3 vegetables. This is easily accomplished in many ways, including to-go salads or frozen fries. This way, you won’t miss meals and get the main, fresh meals on your schedule. Make things easy for yourself and don’t worry too much about what has already happened in the past. Just do better in the future.

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