The Internet is changing many industries today, including the way we rent movies to watch in our homes. The traditional rental store is being replaced by companies that offer the option of renting movies online. And there are many advantages when you rent movies online instead of in the store.

What are the advantages of renting online versus in-store? Less travel time and costs: You don’t have to travel and you can rent movies online from the comfort of your home. This is also good if you don’t have a video store nearby.

More Title Availability: There are more titles available online, so there is a better chance of getting the movie you want. Online businesses don’t need to worry about storage space as much as a store, so they can keep more stock.

Save time: you can find titles faster and you can organize them in your favorites list. There is a good search engine so you can find a title by actor, genre, title, etc. DVDs arrive in the mail and come with packaging to make returns quick and easy.

Save money, with no late fees (you can keep the movie for as long as you want). There are lower rental rates. Pricing on Netflix starts at $8.99 for 1 movie per month, $13.99 for 2, and $16.99 for 3. Shipping is also completely free.

Many different options for watching DVDs: You can watch movies on your PC, laptop, TV, PS3, or Xbox. The list of compatible devices is also growing. You also have the option to watch movies instantly so you don’t have to wait a day or two for DVDs to arrive in the mail. Easy and fast: this is how the online movie rental process works…

How does the process work? First you sign up for Blockbuster or Netflix, these are 2 of the most popular companies right now. Both have several planes to choose from. These range from 1-3 movies at a time each month at a fixed monthly cost.

Once you’ve chosen a plan, make a list of titles you want to see on your favorites list. If your movie is out of print, they will choose another one from their list to send it to you for free. You return the film once you have seen it. Once the return has been received, the next title on your list is shipped.

In general, renting movies online is faster and more convenient with a huge selection of movies to choose from, as well as a growing number of ways you can watch them.

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