When it comes to losing weight, it is true that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for your friend may not work for you. This is due to the fundamental fact that the biological responses to each body are different and the reason for this depends on various genetic and dietary factors. So, to determine what works best for you, you should try a few different options and be patient with each one until you hit the jackpot of your weight loss strategy. It’s understandably easier said than done, but with a little commitment, it’s definitely not impossible. This article is about two of the key elements that contribute to your weight loss strategy.

1. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates:
It’s true that your food intake may be the most important player in your weight gain and weight loss strategy. Again, the same food does not have the same effect on two different people. It may not even have the same effect on you if you try it over a period of time. Also, after changing your eating habits, don’t expect to see results immediately or all at once. The effects are usually undefined and imprecise. If implementing a dietary strategy for one week reduces your weight by 1 pound, continuing to implement the same strategy for the next week does not need to reduce your weight by another pound. Could be more; could be less. It is said that eating carbohydrates creates a craving for more carbohydrates, therefore eventually increasing your weight. If you want to reduce your weight, cutting carbs is the first step followed by cutting bad fats.

2. Exercise:
Although food is the most important factor in your body weight, exercise plays an almost equal role in getting you closer to your weight loss goal. Exercise speeds up your metabolism. One of the biggest benefits of exercise is that it burns fat in your body and it does so quickly. If you don’t exercise at all, your body can still burn fat through daily physical activities, but it will be extremely slow. Just like setting up your diet plan, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to come up with an exercise plan. When it comes to exercising for weight loss, you should do what you love to do. Walking, biking, hiking are all activities that just take time and a bit of commitment. Whichever exercise you choose, make sure you do it in sets with appropriate intervals between sets. Don’t exhaust yourself to the point of feeling tired the next day to do any exercise, slowing down your overall weight loss progress.

These are the two fundamentals of weight loss. Start with these and track your progress over a period of time. Feel free to change plans if you need to.

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