This year, the new Moon in Pisces, which is when we project the Vedic horoscope for 2011, is on April 3. The first thing we notice is that not only are the Sun and Moon conjunct in Pisces, but the planets Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury are also situated together in Pisces.

Pisces is a water sign, so having Mars here will be indicative of water-related disasters. This can mean many types of storms, as well as events like the ones we just witnessed with a tsunami after an earthquake. Saturn is literally in direct aspect to the Sun and Moon at 19 degrees Virgo, while the Sun and Moon are the same degree in Pisces. Since these two malefic Mars and Saturn always amount to creating all kinds of disasters, we can expect this to be an interesting year.

Mercury rules the second house of earnings as well as the fifth house of investment and is weakened in Pisces, which doesn’t bode well for many people financially. Having said that Jupiter is also here and is the lord of Pisces, then there may be what I call a “false” revival in the economy. That would mean spending money to make things “look” like they are getting better, but with hell to pay off in no time, probably next year. I don’t see big banks crashing or anything like that, but you can bet that hard assets will go up and up. Gold is unlikely to regress for quite some time and quality gems will also start to increase in value exponentially.

Big investors are likely to reap the biggest returns, while those still struggling with a lack of jobs will see little respite. Ketu in the second house is never good for overall financial stability and Rahu in the eighth can cause many different kinds of calamities. One danger I see with Rahu in Sagittarius (the other sign ruled by Jupiter) with Jupiter in Pisces is a further rise in fundamentalist religions resulting in more violence and general suffering for many people.

Judging from the transits of Mars, more military involvement seems like a given, so I don’t see that we can “withdraw” troops from abroad. Much more likely is the desire on the part of the “powers that be” to increase the US military presence in more than one country.

America will weather the “storm”, both literally and figuratively, as Taurus is ascending and Venus, the lord of the rising sign, is in Aquarius in the 10th house. However, very sensitive moments will be just before and after the eclipses. We already saw that one in early January caused conflicts (86% of the Sun was covered), but we have three more partial solar eclipses, on June 1, July 1 and November 25. Especially June and November seem to have a lot of potential to wreak havoc. On June 1 Mercury will join the Sun, Moon and Ketu in Taurus, while Jupiter, Mars and Venus will all be in Aries, a martial sign. This is definitely a combination of conflicts and “fiery” events. 60% of the sun will be covered.

On November 25 you will have Sun, Moon and Mercury with Rahu in Scorpio, which is a sign of weakening for both the Moon and Rahu. Although Scorpio is a water sign, it is ruled by Mars, who at that time is Leo’s tenant, where it is very strong in this fire sign. Mars is also aspecting its own Scorpio sign from its position in Leo. This is another combination for powerful conflicts, storms, etc.

July 1 is potentially much less harmful, it seems to me, since although Mars and Ketu are conjunct in Taurus, the Sun, Moon, and Venus are in Gemini. This eclipse will be so slight that it would be practically impossible to notice it, being only 0.1% coverage.

However, there will be two total lunar eclipses, one on June 15 and the other on December 10. June has Rahu / Moon in Scorpio with Mars / Venus / Ketu in Taurus in direct aspect, so it has a lot of cowardly potential, especially considering that it is fifteen days after the solar eclipse on June 1.

December has Rahu / Sun / Mercury in Scorpio with Moon / Ketu in Taurus, so this will also be powerful. How eclipses affect individual people, as well as how they affect countries, depends on whether eclipses fall in planetary or rising signs.

I do believe that it is a year in which those who have some money to invest, ease along with good ideas or skills that are in demand can have a very good year, economically speaking.

In any case, this will undoubtedly be another intense year and no matter what presidents, politicians and heads of state promise to do, they, like us, are always moved like puppets on a string by the power of destiny.

The answer is to understand how astrological influences affect us personally and then to be better prepared for events in the material sphere (to be forewarned is to be forewarned), but maintaining peace and equanimity is only possible when we strive harder to advance on the spiritual path. . , trying to develop detachment from that which is certainly not under our control.

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