Milling machine

Routers are primarily used to shape and cut solid materials such as metal, wood, plastic, or even brass. These machines differ from a lathe in that the tool head rotates at high speed, whereas with a lathe the actual part being worked on rotates. This type of machinery varies greatly in terms of cost and in the specifications of the machine. Hobby machines will obviously be much more profitable than their industrial counterparts.

So we will take a look at some of the milling machine features and some of the important things to consider when looking to buy a machine for home or industrial use.

Milling machine types

Found more often than any other is the column type of machine. It has some basic parts and is quite simple. Materials can be pierced by means of the vertically suspended cutting device.

The turret mill is a more versatile option than the column machine. It is capable of producing many types of products as the spindle can be aligned in many different positions.

The C-frame is more common in an industrial workplace. It is tremendously powerful to tackle larger milling jobs.

Horizontal and Vertical Mills

These two types of machines are quite similar, the main difference being that the vertical machine spindle has a vertical orientation as the name suggests. It is good for drilling and plunge cutting.

A horizontal mill has the cutter or cutters located on a shaft. This type of machine is good for heavy duty cuts like slits and slots for example.

digitally controlled

The CNC (computer numerical control) machine or sometimes called a machining center is a form of high-precision milling. The machine is generally configured through computer aided design technology. This type of control allows the piece to be designed with a high level of complexity, such as engraved elements and reliefs. The accuracy achieved is second to none and with little operator involvement after the setup phase and test part production, it is also cost effective.

Important considerations for the purchase

Of course, it will largely depend on what the machine is required to do. Therefore, it is important to take into account the complexity of the work to be done and to consider the number of axis variants required. The power of the machine will also be important as will the speed at which it operates. As some routers will come with various accessories, others will require them at additional cost. Total cost can be significant and some really good used milling machines can be found online if needed.

So I’ve taken a look at some of the types of routers and their uses along with what kinds of things to consider when considering which one is right for you.

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