When it comes to street fighting, everything you’ve heard or seen is probably wrong. Most people have never been to a real street fight before, and those who have probably lost.

Most people’s ideas about street fighting come from movies and old, overly romantic stories told by others.

Real street fights are fast, dirty, and brutal. If you want to survive on the streets and are confident that you can handle any situation, you need to know some street fighting tips and tricks.

Street Fighting Tip # 1 is more of a reality check than an actual trick or strategy, but it’s the single most important lesson you can learn when it comes to street fighting. What is that lesson? Rule number one in street fighting is that there are no rules.

It amazes me how many people don’t understand this. It seems almost second nature to anyone who’s been around street fighting, and I often think it seems a bit basic. But I know from experience that I have to start with the basics. If I don’t, people who trust me for good information can get hurt.

Now for the actual meat and potatoes from this article:

Street Fighting Tips and Tricks:

Tip No. 1:

The first step in any street confrontation is to acknowledge that a fight is coming. This gives you an advantage so that you can order first.

Here are a couple of ways to tell when the fight is coming: your attacker is pushing or shoving you, your attacker is yelling and arguing and he suddenly shuts up, starts looking at his chin or some other target, or suddenly looks away. side. .

How about these signs so you can jump on it?

Tip No. 2:

The next step is to act first. Statistics show that the person who strikes first is more likely to win the street fight. It is crucial that this first hit is effective, aiming at a high value target such as the eyes, throat, groin, etc.

Tip No. 3:

Use a technical distraction to put your attacker on guard. Throwing a drink container, mug, beer, soda, bottle of water, etc. at their face. If you don’t have a drink, drop some change on the floor.

This causes a natural reaction when looking down. If you don’t believe me, give it a try with a friend, but don’t kick him in the groin when he looks down, he won’t be your friend anymore.

If you are on a soft surface like a carpet or dirt where the change will not ring to get their attention, then throw the change in their face.

Tip No. 4:

Don’t waste time trying to get a perfect joint lock or a flying home kick. Keep it simple.

Use simple street fighting techniques like direct punches, punches to the eyes, slaps on the ears, etc. These have a high success rate and are easy to perform under pressure (remember that adrenaline lowers your fine motor skills, but strengthens your body for simple, powerful movements).

Tip No. 5:

Don’t stay to admire their work. This will get you in a lot of trouble. You don’t want their friends to rush you and you certainly don’t want to give them a chance to find out what happened and come back for more.

Take out your attacker with a quick flurry of movements, and once you think they can no longer pose a threat, leave the area quickly and immediately. Never stop between bumps or bumps.

Using these simple street fighting tips and tricks will give you a solid foundation from which to start building a fighting system. These basics will help you avoid getting into too many problems, and best of all, you won’t have to solve them through experience (trust me, it can be painful to figure things out through experience).

For more brutal street fighting tips and tricks, check out my blog at Fightfast.com/blog.

Stay smart and safe,

Bob pierce

President, Fightfast.com

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