Most people when trying to lose weight instantly starve themselves or begin rigorous exercise routines. They never think that there might be something else inside of them that could prevent them from losing weight or at least hinder their goals. That something else is a yeast infection which is probably a yeast infection. It is estimated that 80% of Americans have some degree of yeast infection. Why is this? Well, when you eat poor diets that fill the gut with toxins, it builds up. When bacteria from food accumulates and appears. When that happens, a perfect world is created for other organisms to thrive. Those other organisms are candida and parasites. For the sake of this article, I’m going to talk about yeast/candida infections and how they prevent you from losing weight.

1. Sugar cravings

Mushrooms love sugar, so when you eat sugar, you are basically feeding the enemy. So when you feed the enemy it grows and gets stronger creating a worse condition. Now what happens when you’re hungry? The food looks good to you. So when you don’t feed the candida, it gets hungry and makes you crave sugar. So a sweet tooth could be caused by fungus. The reason this makes you fat is that you eat sugar because you crave it and then that throws your blood sugar out of balance all day, so you eat sugar to keep up your energy and the cycle continues. This, of course, leads to fat gain and diabetes.

2. Water retention

Fungi release some pretty nasty chemicals into your body called mycotoxins. These types attract more uninvited guests into your body because they signal to other life forms that you are weak and dying. Not only that the body will try to dilute these toxins by storing water. After all, “The best solution for contamination is dilution.” This makes you look much fatter than you technically are.

3. Backed sewage pipe

The mushroom is not known for its bowel-moving properties. It can really slow down digestion and Americans are constipated enough already. Heck, we spend over $1 million a day on laxatives. What happens is that your system becomes clogged and you start storing waste in your intestine. When you get enough waste, it shows. That’s why so many people claim they lost 20 pounds doing a colon cleanse. Everything is literally stored garbage. Now a colon cleanse is just a quick fix and we need to see what caused the back up in the first place. In most cases, these are fungi/candida and parasites.

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