Time management tips are like the oars you maneuver to steer your kayak through rapids. Every day will surprise you. Each challenge asks you to respond with strength and flexibility.

But how much have they taught you about developing flexibility? Could mastery of this ability have altered his life in past crises? You can improve your flexibility now. The more you develop a basic understanding of how to flex, the more motivated you will be to exercise this strength, day after day.

Take a moment to imagine expertly guiding a kayak through eddies and rocks on a spring morning. Feel the exhilaration as you successfully overcome each obstacle. Maintaining this, feel that you are developing agility at this time to face today’s challenges. Here are some underlying principles of flexibility:

5 Fundamentals of Flexibility:

  1. As everything changes, your plans must also change.

    Life surprises us all, as these times prove without a doubt! Old expectations have slipped from their moorings and we must swerve sharply to avoid the collision.

  2. You must know what is essential to hold on to and what can be eliminated.

    As difficult as these times are, they invite us to develop our core strengths. To stay afloat in troubled waters, identify what can be thrown overboard. Every good decision strengthens your self-reference and resilience.

  3. The more agile you are, the more you can keep your balance.

    Which way is the ship pitching? Can you be one with the movement and feel the dance? At times like this, you may feel more in tune and more alive.

  4. Clear priorities are the backbone of flexibility.

    Your priorities tell you who you are. They guide all your choices. Although it is human nature to want to have it all, you define your strengths when:

    • You identify how little you need.
    • You declare what comes first.
    • You keep what is most important in your life.
  5. Focused alertness guides you best.

    Immerse yourself in the moment. Feel where you are and what appears just ahead. Resolve to fully participate and see how you can replace fear with curiosity.

In Scott Peck’s classic book, The road less traveled, identified balance as one of the 4 essential disciplines for living well. “Balance is discipline, disciplined,” she says. That is, without the flexibility to give up one benefit to preserve a more valuable one, we become rigid, burdened, and eventually collapse.

All schedules, plans, and time management strategies should be moderated with flexibility. Become such a good friend to yourself that you can immediately identify what is most important to you and what you can let go of. Support yourself in this important effort. It will strengthen your humanity, your grace under pressure, and your sheer pleasure in life.

As a final exercise, ask: How can you begin to clarify your priorities today to cultivate flexibility and find more time?

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