Bare walls just beg for attention. And, fortunately, these are the perfect places to display art and other types of decoration. In many interiors, works of art are added as a final touch. And just like accessories complete the look of an outfit, artwork completes the look of a room.

Whether you prefer traditional, contemporary, modern, abstract, or classic art, there are numerous options for types of frames, mats, and media. Most homeowners don’t want to make the financial investment to start an original art collection…and you certainly don’t have to for a rich, original look.

Since my home décor preference and area of ​​expertise is Tuscany, I will focus on a few options to create an exciting environment that brings the beauty and serenity of the Tuscan countryside and lifestyle into your home. Artwork can, and should, be considered for every room in your home. None is too insignificant or remote to benefit from a beautifully curated piece of art. How one treats the walls of their home is an integral part of good interior design and will ultimately bring you the most pleasure from your room.

wall colour: While you could spend days or pages on colors, types, and textures for wall treatments, I’ll assume this has already been done and you’re ready for your art. Just make sure you’ve selected a wall color that is rich (yes, even whites and off-whites can be rich), warm or cool depending on the size and purpose of the room, reflects light, and complements your flooring and furniture. For a Tuscan look, you can use any color from the palette created by Mother Nature… every variation of tan, red, yellow, blue, green, orange. This is your foundation and everything else will only make it better.

Theme: The first thing to consider when selecting artwork for your room is the theme. This can be based on the purpose of the room, personal interests and tastes. Scenery? Architectural? Still life? Labels or wine bottles? Inspirational quotes? Sports? animals? Wood or iron railings? crosses? The options are endless and any subject can be framed and displayed in a manner consistent with the theme of Tuscan décor. Just make sure that what you select is something you’ll enjoy looking at for a while.

Medium: Again, there are a multitude of media available including various textures and finishes such as photo paper, watercolor paper, poster prints, fabric prints, and, one of my favorites, glicée. Glicee is probably the most original looking, two-dimensional, color true and fade resistant medium in reproduction art, and lends itself well to Tuscan decor, as seen in the Roma Molding collections.

Each of these mediums has its place in decoration and has its own merits that lead to its selection. Art prints, created primarily by offset printing, are plentiful, inexpensive, and found at almost any superstore, but custom frames can often negate savings on this type of “art.” You’re usually better off buying something you love that comes complete with a frame and often other enhancements like mats or fillets. Visser Enterprises produces hundreds of beautifully framed Tuscan style reproductions that creatively and beautifully encompass wood trim frames, mats, and fillets.

Framed: Everyone knows what a photo frame is… but, in many cases, the frame would not be complete without a mat. A doily or mat is a thin, flat piece of paper-based material that is enclosed within a picture frame and is sometimes used in conjunction with a fillet. A fillet is a small piece of trim that fits inside a larger frame or under or between mats. Both mat and fillet are used as additional decoration to enhance the look of a framed piece.

Picture frames have traditionally been made of metal or wood and are often gold, silver, or bronze, either in its purest color form, antiqued, painted, or gilded on natural wood. One of the most prestigious is made of molded or carved and gilded wood. A picture frame can be any color or texture, but gold or antique accents are common, especially in vintage or distressed frame styles that are very Tuscan.

Glass is generally used in framed art reproductions, with the exception of acrylic or oil paintings or glicée prints. The glass must be lifted from the print and this is achieved through the use of mats and/or fillets.

Picture frames are generally square or rectangular, although circular, oval, and arched frames are not uncommon. They range in size from as small as 2″x2″ to large pieces over 5′.

With all of the above, consider the size and location of the wall you’re decorating and whether you want one piece of art or multiple pieces of art in the same size, shapes and styles or in a variety of them. There are a multitude of framed art reproductions available on the home decor market. Two of my favorite manufacturers are Roma Molding and Visser Enterprises. I encourage you to look at these two sources for excellent options in Tuscan décor.

Remember, sometimes all it takes is a well-chosen piece of art to turn a dull room into something extraordinary.

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