XBox RRoD, red ring of death, red circle of death, e74 error, 3 red lights, general hardware failure are all words for the same super frustrating problem for XBox 360 gamers! It’s a problem that even led to a lawsuit!

If your XBox 360 suffers from this, then I feel sorry for you! It is very frustrating as you cannot play your games until it is fixed.

Some people have even gone through 6 XBoxes to get another dead XBox with the red circle of death on it.

So what can you do if you get hit with XBox RRoD?

Due to this problem, Microsoft has extended its warranty. So if yours is still under warranty, then that’s the best route to go. After all, it’s free! It might take around 4 weeks, but hey, free is free!

Now if yours is out of warranty what recourse do you have?

Well, you could send it back to support. It costs them about $140 to return a refurbished unit to you in about 4 weeks.

What you should NOT do is follow one of those free methods you might have found while searching the internet for an XBox RRoD solution.

Why is this?

A common free method is the towel method which can cause much more damage to your XBox! The reason is that the towel method works by overheating the XBox 360. If you think about it, wrapping an overheated XBox 360 is just asking for trouble. You could end up with a fried circuit or even a fire!

That’s not what you want.

The best way to fix the XBox RRoD if you don’t feel like sending it back to support is to get one of the guides available on the internet that will teach you how to fix the red circle of death or red ring of death. safely and permanently.

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