The Wrong Approach to a Tight, Toned Butt

The worst way to get a firm, toned buttock is by doing “butt exercises.” I’m talking about lunges, counter punches, all those various leg press machines, etc. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but working your glutes directly is not the key to a firm butt. This is the number one mistake I see women make in a gym. They perform tones of various exercises that directly target the glutes, but with very poor results.

You need to burn the fat on your rear end to tone it up

Let me set the record straight… you can’t “train” fat from one part of your body. What I mean by this is that if you have an area of ​​the body that is flaccid, working it directly will not burn the fat from that part of the body. In every gym I’ve been to, I usually see men doing set after set of abdominal exercises and women doing endless sets of glute and leg exercises. This does very little in the way of seeing tone in those muscle groups. The best way to burn fat from your body is to engage in cardiovascular exercise while eating fewer calories than you burn each day.

The most effective way to burn fat from your butt quickly

There are two types of cardiovascular exercises that are effective in burning body fat. The first type of cardio involves exercising at a steady pace and trying to train around 70% of your maximum heart rate. This usually involves walking on a treadmill or Stairmaster for 30 minutes. This is the most common type of cardio performed. The second type of cardio consists of alternating intense efforts with moderate efforts. This is called interval training. Interval training has been shown to be more effective at burning stubborn body fat than steady, moderate cardio.

A simple interval cardio workout that will tone and firm your buttocks

So here’s an effective cardio workout that will melt away your butt fat faster than traditional cardio.

1) Walk on a treadmill for 5 minutes to warm up

2) Run or jog for one minute

3) Walk for a minute

4) Repeat one minute of jogging followed by one minute of walking for 30 minutes

5) Feel free to use an exercise bike or elliptical machine instead.

Tips: Try to speed up the treadmill a little each time you get to the running section. The one minute final run should be quite difficult to complete. By the end of the workout, your skin should be warm and you should be short of breath. This will increase HGH in your bloodstream, which is the key to burning stubborn body fat like crazy. If you’ve only done steady cardio in the past, you’ll be very pleased with the results you get from interval training. It will overcome any fat loss sticking point.

Focus on burning fat to get the firm, toned buttocks you’ve always wanted!

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