Social media is the new wave of making connections and building relationships that help you build a successful MLM business. There are 500 million users on Facebook, it is ahead of Google in weekly traffic flow. To get seen by the second largest search engine available, post a video on YouTube where 2 billion ideas are posted every day. Learning how to tweet and combine Twitter with your other social media is a plus for you in your MLM business.

Studies show that an average ratio of 3:1 consumers trust what their peers tell them more than what they see in an ad. Building an online presence will build a following that will begin to know and trust you. You need to share useful information and facts that the people you care about are looking for. You can do this by searching keyword searches for your target audience. This can be done in Google keyword search.

Creating your blog will help you succeed on social media for your MLM business. If you want to learn how to create your own blog, a program like Be Blog Savvy will help you with step-by-step instructions. You can also have a blog designed for you by an online company or someone you know can help you if you don’t feel like you can do it on your own. Trust me, when I started I didn’t think I could but with instructions I was able to create my own blog. Having a successful blog will be an ongoing process, you need to be consistent in adding content to your blog daily or at least 3 times a week. You can add informative articles that help your readers to choose their MLM opportunity, product information and payment structure of said company. You’ll want to add life stories, information about their strategies, specific skills, and how you can help them. Videos are a welcome addition to your blog, they give the reader more information about you and how you can help them. If you want to create multiple streams of income, this area will be where you can add affiliate marketplaces for readers to click through to purchase products. Ask your readers to share your content on Facebook or Twitter through plugins, they can also be interactive on your blog by asking them to share an opinion on your content. Make your blog as interactive as you’d like, input from others is very helpful and should be encouraged.

Facebook is a great site to meet new friends who are interested in MLM business and find ways to make your MLM business a successful endeavor. You must add friends to your Facebook page every day, being consistent is the key. Finding the right people is very important, they should be part of a network marketing group as you can find them there. Always message for a friend request because you are a stranger to them right now and if you don’t make a personal connection, they have no reason to accept your request. It’s all about sharing ideas and information to help them with their MLM business. Once you’ve built a following, you can set up a fan page for more exposure and to build your list. Remember this is not a place to introduce products, we are establishing our presence and sharing value based content. Your new business friends aren’t looking for a product, they’re looking for solutions to their network marketing problems. Find their biggest needs and what they are looking for and help them find a solution.

Get more traffic with twitter! Start using Twitter by forming a team or your tribe. Twitter grows by following the people you target for their valuable content. Find people who are tweeting about what you want to promote and connect with them. They in turn will reciprocate and you will tweet back and forth. Promoting each other by sharing value-based content. One tweet could generate thousands of new visitors. Ask your blog visitors to tweet you if they like your content. This spreads your content and brand to lots of new people you’ve never met before.

It’s time to get in front of the camera! YouTube is viewed by billions every day, keep it simple, always start with who you are and keep your message to the point. No product launch! This is not the reason you are making this video. You are marking yourself as a leader, giving your name and face to the world. Share valuable information and finish with them by filling out a page with their name, email, and possibly a phone number offering them the chance to get more free information. YouTube is a great area to really show your personality, be yourself, anyone can spot a fake. With a little practice, it will relax and become second nature. If you are nervous and tense, you are not the leader your viewers look to for advice.

Remember that you are a leader, you would not be looking for this information if you were not. Once you’re set up with Facebook, a blog, Twitter, and start videos on YouTube, you’re good to go. Make sure the circle is complete, that each site guides your visitor to the next site to learn more about you and how you can help them achieve success in their MLM business.

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