The month of March is a very important month if you are a basketball fan. It’s “March Madness” and there are games from every team in the country participating in the playoffs and finals throughout the month. We are huge basketball fans in our house. I was watching a game this week with my kids and an NBA commercial came on. His motto this season is “NBA-Where the Amazing Happens.” They were highlighting their best players and talking about achieving dreams and goals. It made me think about putting ourselves in the right environment so that “our amazing happens.”

I am a big believer that women need the right environment to make their amazing come true. I rarely come up with great ideas unless the environment is right for me to be creative. I like a quiet and thoughtful environment where I can see a lot of nature: trees, flowers, grass, blue sky. This is a big topic of discussion in my Successful Women’s Circles. I invite each woman to determine what could be the best environment for her to create her “amazing life.” That’s why I have all my Circles of Success at the Playa del Rey Inn or work with women at the Channel Road Inn. It is a peaceful and reflective place where women can think about what they really want to see happen next in their lives. This is such a crucial part of designing our preferred lives, and often we don’t always realize how important it is. We sit down at the kitchen table to start or complete a project and guess what happens? Entertainment! Many of them! “Mom, where is my…” The phone begins to ring. We look over to the kitchen sink and see it full of dishes waiting for us. Or if we work in an office, it’s pretty much the same, except co-workers knocking on our door, unanswered emails, or endless meetings that require our presence. I have a client who finally started to take this seriously and rented a small studio without a phone. She goes there 2 times a week and her staff has no idea where she is. She tells me that she is creating the most incredible dreams and goals for her personal and professional life in this environment.

And you? Do you have an environment where you can make your amazing happen? You don’t have to rent a studio apartment, that’s just one example. You can go to a park, the local library, or maybe you have a nice quiet space where you can create without being disturbed. What I hear from many women is “I’m not very creative.” Oh yes you are! Every woman is full of creativity. How can I know? Well, I spent the first half of my life thinking I wasn’t creative. Once I gave myself that creative space and permission to really explore what I really wanted in my life, it came pouring out of me like a waterfall. It’s about designing the space in your life so that your creativity can flow freely. You’ll be amazed at what can happen when you’re purposely placed in the right environment and have the right support person there to help you navigate your journey. And you’ll love how little time you need once you take this step.

Let’s not let the NBA be the only place “where the unbelievable happens.” I invite you to think about two things: where your creative environment could be and when you will visit that space. Spring has arrived. It’s the perfect time to plant your amazing seeds of creativity: your dreams, goals, and big ideas.

Everything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.

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