The web has tightly woven the world with information available in milliseconds. Search engine optimization for the various sites provides information to the users on the topic of their choice. Having a global presence has given rise to content in various languages ​​that are spoken all over the world. There are many websites in languages ​​other than English. But the question is does the search engine locate these sites?

The answer is yes. The predominant language of the Internet is English, but around 60-70% of the world’s population is not fluent in the language. They feel more comfortable receiving information in their mother tongue. Search engines are well aware of this fact. Search engines do not take a discriminatory approach to sites with languages ​​other than English. They provide users with the option to search based on their language preference. The only requirement is that multilingual sites must have SEO to be searchable as multilingual sites, that is, they must be optimized in the language in which your site is written. SEO agencies in India offer site optimization in various target languages.

The principles of search engine optimization for English sites are more or less the same as for multilingual sites. The following tips can help get your multilingual site SEO friendly:

You can translate the keyword into English or identify the relevant keywords in the target language. This is a useful technique, but it must be executed with care. It’s important to remember that keywords are mostly convenience words that marketers target to get customers to search for information. Merely translating the keyword into English may miss the mark in the target non-English speaking country. For example, the word ‘car insurance’ when translated into French is ‘warranty car’, which is not the local term used for car insurance in France. The local term used there is ‘car insurance’. So if you do SEO on your site for the term ‘warranty car’ you will not get the desired results as French people will search for car insurance information using the term ‘warranty car’ to generate more traffic. It is important to enlist the help of a language expert from the destination country to assess the effectiveness of the website content.

SEO companies take steps to translate with regional slang and phrases in mind.

On-site optimization
You will benefit if you have the IP address of the same country you are targeting. Search engines look for the location of the IP address and rank the website higher depending on the country. For best results, start the site with the local TLD like .fr, .de, .nl, etc. In many countries, using the local TLD is more beneficial than many inbound links.

keyword in url
The URL of the page must also contain the keyword of the target language. For example, the URL will have a URL like

Offsite Optimization
For off-page optimization of a non-English website, you will need to research local press release distribution sites, niche directories, local partner websites, and other popular local sites to include the link to your website. Make sure to use the translated keyword in the anchor text of the link.

SEO professionals in India use other tried and tested formulas to get sites with non-English content to rank high in the target area. An SEO agency fully understands that optimization for such sites is language sensitive and mere translation will not give the desired results. Therefore, using a combination of effective translation, on-page search engine optimization, and off-page search engine optimization used for non-English websites can lead to higher rankings for multilingual websites in the search engines.

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