Earning gold in World of Warcraft is easy if you have a strategy. The better the strategy, the more gold you will earn. In this article, I have put together 6 quick tips that can form a simple yet successful strategy for earning gold in World of Warcraft.

1. Know what the Auction House prices are on your server. If you can buy low and sell high when other players make pricing mistakes, you can earn gold very quickly.

2. Sell transmutations. Players with high level alchemy or tailoring can use transmutation to sell profitable items on the auction house.

3. Sell recipes. Sometimes great recipes will appear while you’re grinding. Some of these are rare and will sell on the auction house for a lot of money.

4. Give up your Crafting profession and take two Gathering professions. You should always skin because it doesn’t require a tracker, and at least 25% of the mobs you kill while leveling up are beasts and can therefore be skinned (you can also skin the corpses other players have left for you that aren’t skinned). Skin any mobs you kill and sell the hides or hides on the auction house.

5. Fish for devious fish. The Savory Deviate Delight is a favorite cooking recipe for many characters due to the random effects it has. A stack of Deviate Fish, which is the main ingredient, will sell very well on the auction house.

6. Save the meat you find on dead animals. Some of these stacks can sell for a surprising amount on the auction house because players need them for cooking. Check the prices on your server to see if it’s worth it.

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