I’ve been a speed and performance specialist for over 13 years and I always seem to get some strange looks whenever I start a training session with my athletes. After one witnesses some remarkably strange turns and silly jumping patterns, curiosity instantly peaks. The question is inevitably asked, “Why do you heat up the way you do?”

Since both coaches and athletes have always been looking for better ways to train properly, we thought an obvious topic to address would be what to do “before” training begins. An adequate warm-up allows us to get the most out of the game or training itself. The warm-up method presented here is different from the traditional stationary stretching positions recognizable from the days of high school gym class.

Many do some form of light running or calisthenics, followed by various static stretching positions, and then attempt a very high intensity level.

Sounds pretty familiar, right? And you may be thinking: “Yes, I follow you, so where is the problem?”.

Well, the problem is multiple. These types of “warm-ups” do not effectively address other key components of a proper warm-up.

Since some of this isn’t too bad, we’ll question and offer the true function of a proper warm-up for power sports. Training, practice, or game situations demand top speed, 100% effort, so the warm-up should properly prepare participants for top speed, 100% effort!

We need to implement a protocol in the most efficient and effective way possible. The right warm-up allows you to focus on what’s most important, which is further developing the skills you need to excel in your sport (or position). Translation: spend time doing what you need to do! The goal would be to fully heat up in 15 minutes or less.

Effective warm-ups should achieve the following objectives:

1. Raises core temperature and lengthens muscles

2. Excites the nervous system and activates neuromuscular innervation

3. Educate the body with fundamental mechanics of movement

Our heating protocol accomplishes so much that we tend to have a hard time giving it an accurate label. As is the current trend of many self-proclaimed performance gurus, it could be fairly accurately described as “Dynamic Motion Calibration Activity Protocol-3” (or DyMCAP-cubed) or whatever sexy tag you want to stick on it. The point is that it covers a wide range of important categories. As we define each element, please take a moment and review your own heating procedure and see if it addresses each criteria.

The program

The first objective:

Raises core temperature by increasing heart rate and lengthening the musculature using the body’s natural principle of reciprocal inhibition and decreasing the potential for injury.


In order for a muscle to be elongated (stretched) safely and effectively, it must be done in a warm environment. This doesn’t mean you have to be in Myrtle Beach in July to do this. What it does mean is that we need to gradually speed up our heart rate, encourage healthy blood flow and circulation, and therefore raise our core body temperature. This mirrors the principle of “thawing” a frozen mound of ground beef before shaping it into a few good-sized patties. The hotter our muscles are, the more flexible they become. This is crucial as it allows for sharp gains in flexibility that essentially reduce the potential for tight muscles, tendons, and joint trauma. The body is then better prepared to face the progressive demands of the next training session.

Another factor is something called reciprocal inhibition. This is the technical term that describes the coordinated action of how muscles behave with each other. When one muscle (agonist) contracts, the reciprocating or opposing (antagonist) muscles automatically relax, facilitating a more dramatic stretching effect.

Put into practice:

It incorporates dynamic movement patterns of walking, rotating, walking, bending, jumping, and jogging to raise core temperature and lengthen muscles. As you do this, focus and try to contract the opposite muscle you want to stretch. For example, contract your quadriceps and keep your toes pointing up as you swing your leg forward. If done correctly, you will feel a great stretch in both your hamstring and calf.

Remember that sports are multi-directional and multi-plane activities, so your warm-up routine must meet these demands. Improvements in balance, coordination, and overall athleticism are a beneficial byproduct of engaging in challenging movement patterns.

The second objective:

Excites the nervous system to “sound the alarm” and neuromuscular activation of the appropriate muscle groups.


This is where we have traditionally done our athletes a disservice. When we subject our athletes to fixed or static stretching positions, a “calming effect” occurs on the nervous system. This is exactly the opposite effect that we want to get. For this reason, one of the best times to do long, slow static stretches is right before bed. Since we are not putting on our “pyjamas”, we prefer to excite the nervous system so that it becomes more alert, more receptive and more energetic.

Consider the lethargy of waking up late one morning and how it can take you an hour or so to “get going.” Static stretching before activity tends to have the same effect. Conversely, think about being woken up in the middle of the night by the sudden sound of a fire alarm! Instantly ready to run or fight for your life! The dynamic movement patterns of low-level hopping, hopping, and jogging are akin to sounding the alarm.

To address the concept of neuromuscular activation, the saying “use it or lose it” comes to mind. When certain muscles are not working properly, they actually inhibit movement patterns, range of motion, and the ability to produce force. Over time, the neuromuscular innervation remains largely quiescent while other muscle groups compensate for the lack of activity. A muscle cannot act until it receives an electrical impulse. This is how we define “activation”: to describe whether a muscle has received the proper electrical command to perform its function.

Therefore, we must regularly use movement patterns that stimulate the target’s response or else we will effectively “lose” some of the ability to “trigger”. For example, a properly conditioned and activated piriformis will certainly decrease the potential for injury and improve performance. Stabilization throughout the body is critical. The piriformis, as one of the six (6) stabilizers of the hip, provides a reduction in injury potential because the lower back is no longer forced to compensate for the lack of shock absorption of the glutes. Piriformis stability is extremely critical to performance in terms of energy flow through the kinetic chain. If there is a break in the chain (sometimes referred to as energy leakage), the crucial ground reaction forces are compromised and cannot be used as effectively.

Put into practice:

A piriformis exercise, such as the lying hip abduction drag, is a simple activation-type exercise that can be easily incorporated into your warm-up routine. Lying hip drags are performed by lying supine (on your back) with both legs straight and then dragging (maintaining ground contact) one leg out to your side as far as possible and then relaxing back to the starting position. Repeat for 5 to 10 repetitions with each leg.

The third objective:

Educate and teach the body to “memorize” fundamental mechanics of movement.


One area where we can have the biggest impact is in the education of proper movement skills mechanics. The importance of this lies in the understanding that these fundamental movement skills are the foundation of all athletic movement. Pure repetition is not enough to improve skill acquisition or athleticism. We must constantly move in an environment that reinforces correct and efficient movement patterns. The concept of “muscle memory” is real and can be a huge detriment when bad mechanics are repeatedly reinforced. Essentially, this section reinforces the basic principles of correct biomechanical movement: posture, body alignment, angles of propulsion, arm action, leg action, and footfall.

Beyond generic jumps, jumps, jogs, etc., we have the opportunity to introduce specific technical movement skills. These are learned skills just as any athlete would learn to throw a football, kick a football, hit a baseball, or ride a bike. In my opinion, the person who said “you can’t teach speed” must have been an amazing “natural athlete” who just hopped on a bike and sped down the road in an instant. Or maybe he wasn’t a particularly gifted athlete after all and couldn’t catch a ball and chew gum at the same time.

Whatever the case, instructing an athlete on how the body should function is a vital and necessary endeavor. No matter how advanced, every athlete can improve overall skill, coordination, and athleticism.

Put into practice:

Basic linear movement skills, such as “A” walking and jumping, are necessary to establish a fundamental speed in a straight line. “A” marches and jumps are performed by keeping a straight body alignment (from ear to ankle), holding stomach firmly in (as if holding breath), swinging elbows at 90 degrees, lifting knees at the waist (90 degrees flexion at the knee) and the foot lifted (90 degrees at the ankle) while moving, either slowly at a deliberate gait cadence or with a rapid, controlled downward foot strike in a jumping motion.

In conclusion, the final objective of the warm-up routine must thoroughly prepare the athlete with the qualities in which the game takes place. It must be implemented safely, appropriately and succinctly. I encourage you to review your own warm-up procedures to see if they meet the criteria for Elevate (lengthen), Excite (activate), and Educate.

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