Here are some facts about podiatrists and podiatry:

1. Podiatrists should definitely be licensed and have 3-4 years of education. They must also complete 4 years of podiatry studies and pass national and state exams.

2. Many Americans spend a great deal of time on their feet. Good foot health is essential for a healthy lifestyle.

3. According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, “The human foot consists of 26 bones, connected by strong bands of ligaments. Seven rounded tarsal bones (the medial, medial, and lateral cuneiform bones, navicular, cuboid, talus, and calcaneus) lie below the joint. of the ankle and form the instep. Five metatarsal bones form the ball of the foot. There are 14 phalanges in the toes (two in the big toe and three in each of the others. The bones of the foot form two perpendicular arches that normally meet with the ground only on the heel and ball of the foot (see flatfoot); these arches are found only in humans. “

4. Podiatrists are trained health professionals. They treat bunions along with corns. They also treat corns, even ingrown toenails. They treat arch problems as well as heel spurs and ankle and foot injuries. They also treat infections, deformities; and diabetic foot problems. To fix these problems, podiatrists prescribe medications. Podiatrists can establish fractures and request physical therapy, as well as perform surgery. They also take advantage of corrective inserts (braces) and design plaster casts and straps to correct deformities. They even design custom shoes.

5. The foot is often the first place to show signs of serious conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes.

6. 23 percent of podiatrists are self-employed. They also work in private practices, clinics, and hospitals. Other podiatrists work in hospitals or are employees of the Federal Government.

7. Some podiatrists can perform cryosurgery; works with soft tissue tumors and plantar fasciitis. They can help with heel pain and plantar fasciitis. Podiatrists perform x-rays (in the office) and exams of the diabetic foot. They treat diabetic neuropathy; Tarsel Tunnel; Plantar warts; even ingrown toenails. Some podiatrists provide ultrasound in the office. Podiatrists can provide in-office skin graft wound care; and surgical correction of hammer toes.

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