We often hear the word soul or spirit, without really knowing what it is, but those who study these issues say that it is the part that survives after the material body returns to earth and is later reclaimed by Mother Nature. . .

Being the Soul of the true me and you who came to earth to learn the many things that put us on that journey to undertake after death, as they call it, of the body of man, thus putting it on its journey towards what many they call heaven. There is also talk of a hell, this being so then logically we will be judged by ourselves, the one of our own conscience to whose conclusion we can reach according to our own beliefs and learning.

They say there are many paths to this from which we will gain after our life on the earth plane, of course it is up to each which path or earth learning course we take for ourselves. There are those who go the way of the material, learning in the end that not everything is what it seems, others go the way of religion in its many forms, others simply take a little of each, constantly learning as they go. along the many corridors of life.

We all look at life differently, no two of us have the same opinion, even if we are on the same path, we may not even agree with each other on the many issues presented. It’s a hard life when we sometimes have to choose between two things, knowing that whatever we choose will follow some and not others, but we have to choose the one that we know will help the others and do little or nothing wrong. .

Some of us can never do good for the sake of doing bad, at least that’s how it can be seen sometimes, but still we try our best no matter what. We don’t really understand what soul or spirit is, only that it exists, in what shape or form we don’t know, we only know if we experience things around us that earth existence is not what we might have been thinking it was after all.

Most of us know that there must be an intelligence behind the entire cosmos and its creation. We sometimes call this God and we believe that our soul is part of that intelligence that is around at all times. We can glimpse the afterlife because there are people called mediums who are supposed to be able to communicate with that level of vibration known as the spiritual zone and there are others who say that we all have this psychic ability, it just needs to be awakened. .

Who knows when or where, but since we are all one in the sense that we are all classified as human, we have this vibration around us that sometimes makes us think that we are not quite what we appear to be. So it goes on and on that learning curve to get closer to what we call God.

There are many who believe that the soul is the creator of all things that happen on earth, each soul does its best to do what is right and in doing so raises the vibrations of the world of man. So that with evolution you gain in knowledge and understanding everything you will need for the follow-up that you have to enter that curve that is needed to elevate all of humanity. Not only those who care about serving, but also those who need to receive everything necessary to learn what is called the soul of man.

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