North Korea is a pretty isolated place, but there’s still quite a bit we know. Try these:

1. How big is the North Korean military?

2. How many Koreans have risked imprisonment and death to flee this communist “Paradise”?

3. What percentage of North Korea is mountainous?

4. What percentage of NK’s 18,000 miles of roads is paved?

5. What religion ruled the earth before Christianity/atheism?

6. How long has Kim Jong Il reigned?

7. Is there prosperity in North Korea?

8. What was the name of Korea before it was called Korea?

9. How far back does Korean history go?

10. What is the most famous food in Korea?


1. Maybe a million? It is the fourth or fifth largest in the world. It is the reason why Korea can continue to wreak havoc on its people. It is the reason for the widespread famine. It is the reason why the middle man can turn angrily towards the West and disregard the warnings of the world. Let us pray that the Lord of hosts does what only He is capable of doing…

2. More than 50,000 now live in Northeast China. Many others have fled to South Korea, Mongolia, other parts of China and even the United States.

3. 80. A truly rugged land.


5. Buddhism (later superseded by “non-religious” Confucianism)

6. Too long. Since 1994. But the Lord of all Lords knows what is happening and will rise…

7. Yes. Obviously the government and the military show the world a fat face. The further a visitor can travel from Pyongyang, the more the North Korean tragedy is revealed. 8. For a thousand years before this era it was known as “Choson”, the land of “morning calm”. 9. Up to 5000 years, but a lot of that is mixed up with mythology. The legendary figure “Tangun” is said to have established Korea’s first dynasty sometime between Noah’s flood and the days of Abraham. (2333 BC)

10. Kimchi. Spicy cabbage. Very hot.

Loving our neighbor implies knowing him. May he continue to pray for these descendants of the morning calm as they long for the morning calm to dawn upon them. Oh, that Christ be raised once more on this earth!

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