Let’s discuss the problems of ancient Mayan culture and society and its obvious advancements over other Indian civilizations of the period around the world at that time. The city of Tenochtitlán on the Yucatán Peninsula was geographically close to the location of a meteorite impact more than 100 million years ago. Now here’s a thought on this topic. When a meteor hits the Earth, it flings the Earth out of the crater it forms and shatters into pieces. It has a special electromagnetic signature. This signature would be equal to the energy coming from its origin and the time in which it left together with the variations and changes registered in that signature during its trip. In other words, it would record information about the variations of solar systems and universes during its journey, which could have been millions or billions of years.

This electromagnetic signature combines with metals, alloys, or iron near the point of impact. This electromagnetic signature, of course, would interact with the human brain waves of nearby animals or people. Thus, it changes the evolutionary process in some way. He could have placed the human brains of those Indians on a higher level of consciousness. Therefore, a group of human beings who traveled to that area and decided to stop for whatever reason, maybe the fishing was abundant or the agriculture was good or the fruit of the trees grew in abundance, their brain waves would be altered and this could lead to a problem. higher level of thought and therefore a more advanced civilization and culture. We still have a lot to do in the way of mapping the spectrum of electromagnetic energy in the Universe and coming from all areas of unknown galaxies.

It will be interesting to discover the origin of such electromagnet signatures. Perhaps we can find intelligence from other worlds by tracking their electromagnetic signatures. It would be interesting to use these techniques to trace the origins of life and the origins of meteors and find out which parts of our cultures benefited and in what way, which random events. Electromagnetic waves would definitely change things, maybe for the better, maybe not, but they would definitely change. While much has been studied in this area, much more needs to be studied:


NASA also conducted a meteor search party with people on snowmobiles and collected about 900 meteorites, much of which were determined on Mars. It could have come here millions of years ago. He brought with him something from Mars and some of its history. Bacteria, fossil records, etc. This is how we can know what kind of life developed, there, if it is still there, maybe it became extinct or maybe it lives under the surface of the planet in the ice sheet. Many could conclude that the indigenous people who lived in the Yucatan Peninsula were much more advanced than other cultures that lived in other parts of America. Did they benefit from meteorites and increased electromagnetic conditions? It also appears that an evolutionary leap has been made to their mathematics, astronomy, and organizational structures. Could it be that the answers to these observations lie within the Meteor Strike that is said to have created enormous climate change and killed the dinosaurs? Hey, it’s a lot of fun to speculate on these things and use known events to explain the unknown.

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