Getting the word out about your website, business, or content can be difficult. I would like to introduce a term that I learned from Internet Income University called the BOYA Effect. This simple principle will not only make your online goals more focused and powerful, it will also help you get on the right path to an authoritative online presence.

Imagine the Internet as an ocean. All content begins at the bottom of the ocean. Each backlink of yours is like a little floating device. Your job is to create backlinks through articles, videos, networks, anchor text, and any other marketing method to keep adding floating devices to your content. Imagine the surface of the ocean as the top page of Google search results. Every backlink, in whatever form, that you add pointing to your content makes it rise higher and higher towards the surface. It’s that easy. Backlinks make you own more of the internet. When this happens, your content rises to the top.

Submit your content to social media, blog sites, article sites, video sites, and any other medium. This will put you on other websites and create powerful backlinks that direct search engines directly to the original source.

On the Internet, you don’t get paid for your efforts by time. They pay you for the results. The key is consistency. The BOOY effect is a long-term investment that will continue to pay you back long after you stop using it on content. It creates free traffic to your content and it’s not difficult which is why I highly recommend it. Mastering the BOYA effect in your daily process will give search engines no choice but to rank your content at the top. You’re attaching floats and they carry the submerged content in one direction – up!

The BOOY effect is a free traffic strategy, and any free traffic generation will usually have a fantastic ROI because it never goes away. Paid ads are here today and gone tomorrow, but your backlinking and tied floatie are on the internet forever. You could abandon your content and still have a fantastic traffic flow, simply because you established a solid foundation.

Stay in your business long enough for your efforts to pay off, and then you will have a deep understanding of residual income and financial freedom. Much of it comes from designing a complete action plan, distributing it on the Internet, and the rest is set up on autopilot. It all depends on mastering the BOYA effect and the immense power behind it.

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