Why we should preserve Kenya’s lakes, which are a major tourist attraction in Africa

Kenya in East Africa is home to a number of spectacular lakes, most of which are in the East African Rift Valley Great Lakes. Each of the lakes has a different unique character. Located in the center of the Great Rift Valley, the site of prehistoric fissures that stretches from Syria in the Middle East to Beira in Mozambique. Kenya is also dotted with several freshwater lakes from north to south.

A traveler or researcher can tour/explore the lakes of Kenya by visiting each individual lake taking the time to study the characteristics/formation of each in relation to the others and compare and contrast the various environments, formation and various inhabitants.

• Lake Baringo

• Lake Bogoria

• Lake Chala Kenya

• Lake Elementaite

• Lake Jipe

• Lake Magadi

• Lake Naivasha

• Lake Nakuru

• Lake Rutunda and Lake Alice

• Lake Turkana

• Lake Victoria

Kenya has proposed Lakes Nakuru, Bogoria and Elementaita for inclusion in the esteemed UNESCO World Heritage site.

lake bogoria

Lake Bogoria is located in the Lake Bogoria National Reserve, Kenya, north of Nakuru. The lake is the heart of an arid landscape, in the shadow of the dramatic walls of the Sierra de Siracho. Lake Bogoria has no outlet and intense evaporation has led to high levels of salt and minerals. The soda lake is shallow with a maximum depth of 9 meters and covers an area of ​​30 square kilometers. It’s volcanically active, and the western shoreline is lined with gushing geysers and hot springs, jets of steam and bubbling geothermal pools. The fresh water springs on the lake shore attract an abundance of birds and wildlife.

Elemental Lake

Lake Elementeita, located off the Nairobi-Nakuru Highway, is a popular Kenya safari destination among bird watching enthusiasts. The arena is situated on the eastern side of the Great Rift Valley, about 40 km from the city of Nakuru, the 18 square km soda lake is home to hundreds of thousands of fascinating flamingos, pelicans, grebes and many other birds that dot the waters.

Elementeita attracts greater and lesser flamingos that feed on the lake’s insect and crustacean larvae and on suspended blue-green algae.

Lake Elementeita is a shallow lake with a depth of less than 1 meter in some cases and is fringed by encrusted mudflats during dry seasons. Zebras, gazelles, antelopes and wild boars graze on the shores of the lake.

Ramsar site

Lake Elementeita has been a Ramsar site in 2005. The Ramsar site is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.

Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru, a world-renowned bird paradise, is situated in the Lake Nakuru National Park, located in central Kenya, 140 km northwest of Nairobi, in the Nakuru district of the Great Rift Valley. Lake Nakuru is home to myriad flocks of greater and lesser flamingos that often form an impressive pink ribbon along the edges of the lakes. The world famous paradise abounds with the greatest bird show on earth: myriads of fuchsia pinks, massive numbers of flamingos, often over a million, or even two million. There are two types of flamingo species; the lesser flamingo can be distinguished by its deep carmine red bill and pink plumage unlike the greater, whose bill is tipped black.

During the Northern Hemisphere winter, the park becomes an important feeding ground for migratory vagrants, including Little Sandpipers, Curlew Sandpipers, Marsh Sandpipers, and Green Redshanks. Large numbers of pelicans are seen on the south and east coasts. Verreaux’s eagles can be seen around updrafts on the western escarpment and other commonly observed birds of prey include long-crested eagles, augur vultures, harrier eagles, ospreys, Gabar’s goshawks and harrier hawks.

The national park was recently named an IBA Important Birding Area. No wonder this lake needs our protection for posterity.

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