So maybe your dog is the cutest and loveliest thing on all fours, but if he’s a crybaby, cuteness can only get him (or her) so far. Before your patience (and that of your neighbors) runs out, you must learn to control the whining of dogs. But first, learn a few things about him.

Why is my dog ​​whining? Before you can control the behavior of whining dogs, you need to know the reason why your dog is whining. Whining and similar sounds like barking and howling are just a few of the ways your dog knows how to communicate how he’s feeling. This often happens when you are left alone. You will notice this behavior in puppies that are separated from their mothers or littermates. It is a distress call meant to tell your pack members that you are afraid, in pain, upset, or that you need something.

In your dog’s case, whining can be a way of communicating that he wants food, attention, or affection. Whining can also be your way of saying you’re not feeling well, in which case you may want to control it right away. Whining is a good thing and if you love your dog, it is your cue to make sure his needs are being met and that he is happy and healthy to control the dog’s whining.

Unfortunately, whining can also be a way for your dog to get what he wants when he wants it. In this case, it becomes an unconscious habit, a bad habit. It can be heartbreaking or annoying depending on the situation and you may want to control the dog’s whining right away to prevent a bad habit from forming. That is how:

Read their ‘whining’. If you’ve just got back from work and he’s complaining, it’s probably because his dog misses him and is glad to see him again. After a while, he’ll stop whining because he knows you’re home now. If he is whining and pointing at the door, it may mean that he wants to be let out to relieve himself. If this is the case, to stop or control the dog’s whining, be sure to let it out.

If your dog is whining and seems upset, something may be wrong, either with him or with his surroundings. He could be sick, in which case you will need to check him or take him to the vet. You could also be worried about other things in your neighborhood. To control the dog’s whining, be sure to check the house because something could be going on.

When your dog wants your food. Your dog may be whining because he loves the smell of the juicy steak you are eating and wants a slice. Prevent this behavior from becoming a habit and train your dog to have his own place to eat, totally separate from your table. If your dog is still a puppy, don’t feed him table scraps, especially when he’s eating at the table. He will associate his food with something good that comes his way. Do not encourage this.

When your dog whines for your attention. Most dogs like to be paid attention to, but there are times when you just can’t please them. When you can, playing with your dog for a while can stop or control the dog’s whining. If not, learn to ignore his request for attention and walk away from him. Generally, ignoring your dog will suffice.

However, if he continues, tell him quietly but firmly to stop. Do not touch or pet him when you are scolding him and avoid massaging his neck or back. Giving him a massage means that you are doing a good job and will send mixed messages. If the whining continues, stand directly in their sight and loudly say firmly, ‘No!’ You can also stop the dog’s whining by firmly tapping its muzzle with your hand.

Dogs are wonderful creatures whose company is valuable. Do not punish your dog to control the dog’s whining, unless you know he is misbehaving. Punishment will not solve your problem and will only compound the negative feelings you have. Learn to ‘read’ your dog’s behavior to control the dog’s whining and to impose discipline only when appropriate.

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