Losing weight should be a subcategory of a larger goal and that is to be as healthy as possible. In this article I will tell you about the healthiest diet that will not only make you lose weight, but will help you live longer, have more energy, lower blood cholesterol, avoid impotence, look and feel younger, among many other benefits. . Imagine losing weight and gaining incredible health at the same time! The truth is that it is easy, you just need to know how, guess what? I know how and I’m going to teach you!

Only with regular exercise and healthy food choices can you truly be healthy. Some people like to think that they can have one without the other and still be a healthy individual. While it may be true that you can lose weight by exercising frequently and eating everything in sight or by not exercising and eating extremely healthy, neither is recommended for what I like to call “Optimal Health and Vitality.” Accessing all the benefits of exercise and healthy food choices will give you the opportunity to experience such health, vitality and much more.

Now you may be wondering, “Okay, okay, so what do we eat?” The healthiest diet is a plant-based diet where there is little to no consumption of animal-based foods. We can get all the nutrients and energy we need for our daily lives from fruits and vegetables. Personally, I have been a vegan (I only eat plant-based foods, i.e. no dairy) for about three months and have noticed drastic changes in my vitality and health. Make sure you understand this is coming from someone who has already lost 90 pounds and kept it off for a couple of years, while constantly changing my eating habits trying to get to optimal health. When you make the switch to a plant-based diet, you will thank me for this wonderful experience!

I want everyone to realize how bad a low carb diet is for your health. Great, you can lose weight fast, but is your health something you’re willing to sacrifice in the process? I thought the purpose of losing weight was to live a healthier life, am I wrong? With a low-carb, high-fat diet, you can expect increased risks of kidney failure, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many other fun diseases. Why would anyone participate in a diet like this? The answer is simple, no one was ever told these things and the sad part is that this is NOT new information. My goal is to inform you before you put yourself in danger by participating in a diet that will harm or even kill you in the long run. If you’re reading this then I’ve done my homework and if you want to learn more about the benefits of plant-based diets and the risks of animal-based foods, I recommend you check out the book titled The China Study, written by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II.

“You have to eat to live, not live to eat.” -Moliere

Will you lose weight on a plant-based diet as fast as you would on a low-carb diet? The answer to that question is a resounding YES! My first week on this lifestyle I lost five pounds and was already down 90 pounds! I felt more energetic and full of life than ever. So ask yourself these questions: “Do I want to lose weight by eating the foods I’ve been conditioned to love, or do I want to lose weight and have a healthy lifestyle that I’ve never experienced before?” “Do I really want more energy, more vitality, a better body and a better heart?” If you lose weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will never go back!

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