“Remember to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others.” – Airline attendants

Does the idea of ​​putting yourself first surprise you? Scare you? Make you angry?

I know some of you are saying, “That’s crazy. I have a family to take care of.”

Others say, “That sounds selfish. I was taught to put other people first.”

And still others say, “Yeah, I get it and I’m really trying to do it more often.”

The classic example of putting yourself first comes from the airlines. Before each flight, you are reminded “First secure your own oxygen mask”. First! Before helping others.

It makes sense on a plane.

And it makes sense in your daily life.

Although it makes sense, it can still seem wrong, selfish, and even scary.

Especially a parent or a caregiver or a people pleaser.

Having been “selfish” enough to put myself first for some time, I teach this to my clients:

* As the divorced mother of two who had put her children first so they would love her more than their father. The more she “needed” her love from her, the more misaligned she was and the more they wanted to be with daddy. As she began to put herself first, she became her fun and happy mom again.

* As the new lawyer who had been working day and night trying to impress the partners. Surprised to receive a lackluster performance review, he realized that spending time from a low vibration was counterproductive. When he started taking care of himself by exercising, sleeping, and socializing, the following evaluation of him was superior.

* As the single woman in her mid-forties who had spent her life trying to please her demanding mother while ignoring her own needs and desires. Her dissatisfaction with her life finally gave her the courage to set boundaries and start saying NO. After her mother stopped complaining, her relationship improved and my client began to create her own life without feeling guilty.

“Unless you’re selfish enough to reach for that connection,

you have nothing to give to anyone, anyway.

And when you’re selfish enough to make that connection,

You have a huge gift that you give wherever you are.”

-Abraham Hicks

Putting yourself first is good for your health. When you take care of your mind, body, spirit, you boost your immune system and allow your natural state of Well-being to flow.

Putting yourself first is good for your relationships. You may think that you have to put everyone else in your life first to maintain good relationships. It turns out that it is exactly the opposite. Take care of yourself and you will have more to give to others. So everyone wins.

Putting yourself first is good for your career and your pocketbook. You are most effective when you put yourself first. When you are happy and healthy, you can easily move through projects that would take you hours upon hours from a place of exhaustion and exhaustion.

Wondering how to start putting yourself first?

Put yourself first by taking good care of your vibration. What you vibrate is what you have to give, which means that what is good for you is also good for others.

Put yourself first by making your relationship with your Inner Being your top priority. Fill yourself from the inside out before offering support to others.

Put yourself first by being who you really are. Living your best life and expressing all your magnificence provides the life force energy to easily and joyfully contribute to others.

As you take good care of your vibration, filling yourself from the inside out, you align with Source. When you align with Source, everything plays out perfectly for everyone involved.

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