A handful of simple changes to your existing fat-burning exercise routine can radically improve your fitness and increase your ability to burn more fat.

Here are some tips to spice up your regular workout routine and keep you interested in working out.

1. Mix things up

Keeping your body constantly challenged is essential if you want to lose fat, increase your fitness levels, or gain additional muscle strength. It’s easy enough to accomplish any or all of these without having to alter your routine much.

If you like to exercise by running or walking, try including a few extra hills. Alternatively, if you use cardio machines at the gym or at home, such as a treadmill, increase the incline or speed.

For resistance training, you can try lifting heavier, alternatively doing more sets or reps than you normally would.

2. Include supersets in your resistance training routine

Including supersets in your resistance training routine will not only improve your muscle mass, but it’s also great for adding a little more muscle definition. Supersets are also great if you’re in a hurry, as there’s less rest time between each exercise, making your workout complete faster.

A superset is when you complete one set of one exercise and then immediately move on to the next exercise. There are three different approaches for you to choose from:

* Same Muscle Group Superset – Use the same muscle group within each superset. The first exercise is a compound movement. Composite which means more than one joint is used. The next exercise in the superset focuses on an isolated movement, which is when only one joint is used to work the muscle. An example of an identical muscle group superset for the quads would be a set of leg squats, followed immediately by leg extensions for one set. * Alternating Superset – Use completely different muscle groups for a superset. For example, perform a set of walking lunges with dumbbells, followed by a set of upright rows with a barbell. * Antagonist/Agonist Superset – Uses opposing muscle groups, such as the quadriceps, followed by the hamstrings (one set of dumbbell squats and one set of hamstring curls).

3. Keep it simple

Typically with exercise and weight training, you can get a bit overwhelmed with the plethora of technical jargon you have to think about: reps, sets, the best heart rate to train for, etc. Why not forget all that for a change and push yourself through whatever exercise you’re doing during the day?

If you go by bike, choose a totally different route than the one you are used to and go for it! Don’t monitor your heart rate if you normally do, instead stick with a high intensity until you need a break. After a short break, do it all over again.

If you’re used to doing interval training, try not to take the time between each interval, rather hold it until you need a break. Take a breather until you’re ready to do it all over again. Continue your intervals in this manner.

When training with weights, don’t count the repetitions, just do the exercises until you feel your muscles start to burn. Rest for one minute and then repeat another set, try adding an extra five reps this time.

4. Buy yourself a new outfit!

Why not buy some new exercise equipment to improve your self-confidence and really look good when you are doing your regular exercise routine? Even if others don’t notice, you’ll feel great about yourself in your new exercise gear.

5. Interval Training

Incorporating intervals into your diet is a great way to enhance your fat burning workouts. Try adding 60-second bursts into any of your cardio activities like biking, jogging, running, jogging, elliptical, swimming, or walking. If you usually walk, try running in 60-second bursts.

6. Join a different class

If you belong to a gym that has a variety of classes, try one you’ve never been to, although it may require you to step out of your comfort zone and experience something different. Some recommended to help burn fat are the cycle, the body combat, the basic training or the body pump.

7. Choose fun exercises

It’s not hard to stop doing your fat-burning exercise routine when it feels monotonous and you lose all motivation. Choose from some fun ways to exercise like kayaking, tennis, badminton, volleyball, or just walking with a friend.

Hopefully, these suggestions should give you some new things to consider if you want to switch up your workouts to keep yourself interested and excited for your next workout.

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