Have you seen the news lately? It seems that there are more and more problems with the national economy, the mortgage crisis and big companies and their businesses collapsing around them. I dare say that the only one you can trust financially now and in the future is you. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck like the rest of us, then you should, no, you should buckle up now so you have something saved for retirement. Small changes in daily life can have a big impact for years to come.

1. buying food

This can lead to big savings. Every time you go to the supermarket, there are ways you can save money.

  • Check your newspaper for coupons and use them religiously.
  • Plan your trip and your shopping list before you leave home
  • Items you use regularly are usually cheaper in bulk or in larger quantity
  • choose generic products instead of brand
  • Check expiration dates on perishables when you’re at the grocery store

When you get home with your purchases and put them away, be sure to put away any bags, paper or plastic. Plastic bags are great for lining trash cans, and paper bags are useful for shipping and craft projects. You’re using a free product and you’ve just saved a ton of money.

two. Your debt and bills

The shorter the time you have credit card debt, the more you’ll be saving in the long run. You may not be able to pay them off in full, but the more you can pay, the less interest you’ll have to face. And if you’re late on any bills, you’ll also be charged late fees. Some people find it beneficial to bank online and withdraw recurring payments from their accounts; you never have to worry about being late because you forgot. However, with recurring payments, you need to be very aware of the status of your account so that the funds are always available, as banks like to charge you non-sufficient funds fees.

3. Entertainment

Instead of going to the movies, consider going to your local movie store and renting. When you add up all the costs of the movie theater, it’s staggering! The entrance to the cinema, the popcorn and sweets, the drink. Bringing home a movie, popping your own popcorn, and buying your own drinks will save you a lot of money over time. If you really want that time to go to the movies, try going to the earlier shows as they are usually cheaper. You can also consider your local library, they can rent books, music, and even movies, and they’re free!

It could be your regular routine to go to the fast food place down the street from work every day. Try to replace a few of those trips a week with a brown bag lunch. You definitely save on food costs and you save on the gas needed to drive to the fast food restaurant. You know you hate those queues on the way – find a place close to work where you can relax and enjoy your lunch.

Going out to be entertained does not always mean that it has a cost. Recreation areas offer free walking and biking trails and provide an outlet for a regular exercise regimen. After all, with all the money you’re saving, you want to be healthy enough to enjoy it in the future!

Four. Full Price Alternatives

Many times you can find products for less with a little research. A great marketplace that offers great savings is eBay. Thousands of people are selling everyday products that you can get for cheaper than you could pay at retail. Not only can you buy items on eBay, you can also easily set up an account and sell your own items to earn money. Shopping online can save you practically anything. The competition is great and you can choose the web store that offers you the best deal, and it could even mean little or no shipping cost.

You can also get great deals in the classifieds section of the newspaper. Find out where the yard sales are in your area on the weekends and get amazing deals on the things you’re looking for.

5. Give away

When you’re thinking about what to get that special someone, a great alternative to shopping at the mall is to make something for them. Everyone is talented in one area or another, and even if you have to buy the supplies to do something, you’ll save money. She usually has supplies left over that can be used for another gift in the future. Handmade gifts are much more personal and let the recipient know that they come from the heart.

6. home savings

There are many ways to save money at home. Involve the whole family and save.

  • Turn off unnecessary lights
  • Lower the thermostat a few degrees
  • Use low consume bulbs
  • turn off your computer when not in use
  • Hang clothes to dry instead of using the dryer
  • Buy low consumption appliances
  • Make sure all windows and doors have good seals to prevent heat loss.

Many companies today are focused on energy efficiency and have their products readily available. Make sure your whole family knows how to save money at home, so everyone gets involved. A good incentive is to let them know that the extra savings for participating can add up and lead to special purchases and trips.

You have to make an effort to save money, but by doing so, you will be able to see the fruits of your labor. Be aware of what you can do in your life to save money and stick with them. You won’t see huge savings overnight, but over time, the savings will be substantial.

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