Own Lysol Spray

Convenient and compact, Lysol Disinfectant Shampoo To Go is an all-in-one travel size Lysol disinfectant powder that suits perfectly in a small purse, back pocket, or backpack. At work, hotels, restaurants or anywhere life takes you this travel size Lysol disinfectant shampoo kills even the toughest of germs and viruses when applied as directed. If you have ever read the ingredients of typical over the counter or prescription anti-bacterial and anti-viral medications then you have seen the common warnings listed on the bottle.

Lysol suppliers

While such precautions are necessary, many travelers often neglect such dangers when traveling to new or unfamiliar places, only to find that their vacation, their hard surfaces or their luggage become infected with something that they probably did not bring along. You can avoid spending hundreds or thousands of dollars in medical bills or medication by investing in travel size Lysol Disinfectant Shampoo To Go bottles, which can be kept in your purse or back pocket. These easy to use bottles are packed with powerful yet mildew proof ingredients to kill germs and make your trip enjoyable. As simple as a bottle of water poured into the bottle, these bottles and wipes can do much more than just keep you from becoming ill.

While you may be using Lysol Disinfectant Shampoo To Go to clean your hotel room, kitchen, and any other spot where food or drink was prepared, these handy travel size spray bottles can also be used as a spotter for removing the remains of an outbreak of bug or virus from any surface within reach. Use damp washcloths or toilet paper to wipe down hard surfaces, such as countertops, tables and furniture. If you are using the travel size spray in the bathroom, wipe down the sink and countertops with one of the wipes and leave the area to dry. Then, replace the lid and shake out any excess water.

How To Make Your Own Lysol Spray

For any other hard surfaces in your home or travel size area, use the sanitizing wipes or paper towels to clean them. Place the sanitizing wipes on top of the wet surface, making sure to apply and shake the container prior to wiping. Follow up with the travel size Lysol Disinfectant Shampoo To Go bottle and use the same techniques for the areas that were not cleaned, but instead replace the container and shake thoroughly. Allow everything to air dry. After this is done, replace the lid and snap the cap.

If there is a pet or small child in your family, you need to know how to disinfect any items that they come in contact with. Simply add some Lysol Spray to any dish that you may be using to prepare meals for your family. Use a clean sponge, preferably scented with aromatherapy to remove any soap scum that forms on any dish before placing it in the oven or ovens. Do not use scented detergents or those with perfume. It will only cause the scent to linger. After the food has finished cooking, replace the sponge with a clean dry one and wipe down all of the dishes and kitchen utensils with the sanitizing wipes.

The travel size Lysol Disinfectant Brush can also be used to sterilize a wide range of materials from cutlery and knives to glass and mirrors. Again, use a new sponge and mix the contents of the bottle to make a paste. Apply the paste to any sharp edged surface and allow it to dry. Using a clean damp sponge, wipe the surface down once again and then replace the cap.

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