Making a facelift last longer is simple by following the advice of Dr. Mark Doyle.
They say 50 is the new 30. People are breaking age stereotypes and creating their own rules; live life as they choose and become happy for it. When you feel like a 30-year-old with wisdom and experience, you should rock the part. Facelifts are an opportunity to recapture the face of your youth and remove some of the wrinkles and jowls imposed on your face over time.

A facelift or rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure that lifts and tightens the skin on the face. Patients seeking a face lift often choose the procedure for its semi-permanence. Nothing can beat the feeling of waking up and looking like a younger version of yourself.

A good skincare routine, among other things, can help you keep your youthful results longer. It can even enhance the appearance of your face with flawless, glowing skin.

How can I maintain a good skincare routine?
A facelift can drastically reduce the effects of aging on the skin. You can make it tighter and smoother. However, it is important to remember that the skin on your face is still natural skin. This means that it is prone to blemishes, blackheads, and other blemishes. To try to prevent the gradual effects of aging after your face lift, it is recommended that you maintain a good skin care routine. Dr. Doyle recommends cleansing, toning, and moisturizing with high-quality products twice a day. It is important to always make sure to remove your makeup before you sleep.

Although your skin will remain smoother and softer despite everything, giving your skin a flawless finish will improve your results as well as the health of your skin. Treat yourself to a facial or skin scrub in our Medispa for an extra boost for your skin.

Talk to us at Gold Coast Plastic Surgery about our range of CURE skin care products. We can help you find the right products for you and your skin.

Take care of your skin from the inside
Symptoms of poor health, malnutrition, hormonal changes, and a generally poor diet can often show up on the skin. This is noticeable when you see thinning, blemishes and rashes. Treat these problems at the source by making sure you get the right supplements and maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Gold Coast Plastic Surgery offers pharmaceutical strength supplements geared towards improving the results of your surgery. Supplements can improve your health. Based on a professional consultation, a combination of supplements will be recommended. These can help you in your anti-aging process by matching the results of your face lift with the feeling of health and youth.

Consider injectables
The results of a facelift are mainly concentrated in the lower part of the face. Many patients seeking to recapture a youthful face are also concerned about frown lines and crow’s feet on the forehead and skin around the eyes.

To treat the signs of aging, injectables can be used to complete a youthful appearance throughout the face.

It is recommended that you wait for your facelift to fully heal before attempting to add injectables to your treatment for optimal results.

Gold Coast Plastic Surgery offers quality, professional injectable services targeted to each patient’s individual needs to address areas of concern as requested.

Protect your investment
Sun exposure, smoking and lack of sleep are among the main causes of facial aging. Continuing a lifestyle that exposes you to these garments can prematurely undo the work done on your face.

Reducing your smoking habit and considering quitting altogether is beneficial for your overall health and the health of your skin. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of wrinkles, fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and blemishes.

Using a high SPF sunscreen can help reduce the effects of the sun on your skin. This helps prevent sun spots and sunburn that can have permanent and damaging consequences for the skin.

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