If you want to lose weight in 3 months, the good news is that you can do a lot in just 12 weeks. In fact, depending on your dedication and consistency after 3 months, you could change your body and appearance forever.

With just small changes you can easily lose a pound of fat every week and while 12 pounds doesn’t sound like a bang in 3 months, if that weight is pure fat it will have a dramatic effect on your body composition and of course your appearance. .

So, if you want to make changes to your body that are lasting and not just a quick fix, keep reading these simple but easy to implement tips.

Without a doubt, the first thing to deal with is nutrition. If you don’t understand how to eat correctly or how much food to eat, then you won’t get the results you want. Diet and lack of control and knowledge is the most important factor by which people gain and fail to lose weight.

There are many diets to choose from and it can be very confusing, but no matter what you do, if you follow these 3 rules, you will have a good chance of losing weight.

Diet tip 1Avoid as much as possible any food loaded with sugar or those that arrive in a bag, box or package. Doing this should eliminate most of the highly processed carbohydrates from your diet, which in my opinion is the main food source that causes much of the weight problems facing so many adults and children today.

For your carbohydrate sources, focus on eating as many fiber- and nutrient-dense foods as possible to control blood sugar levels and satisfy hunger and sweet cravings. These are, of course, fruits, vegetables and whole grain products.

Diet Tip 2 – Get rid of all calories found in liquids. These are what I call the secret calories that people don’t realize they’re consuming, but can result in huge weight gain and stubborn weight loss. I’m talking about fruit juices (full of sugar and calories), soft drinks, energy drinks, and of course, alcohol. Because people don’t consume these calories, they don’t tend to count them toward their daily energy allowance, and for many people, this is the difference why they don’t lose weight when they should.

Diet Tip #3: Think Fiber at Every Meal – If you increase the amount of fiber in your diet then you will control your appetite much better guaranteed. Think of foods like oatmeal, fruits, nuts, and vegetables to eat at mealtimes and as healthy snacks throughout the day. Just remember not to go crazy. Just because these are healthy foods doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want. The basis for all successful weight loss is consuming fewer calories than we burn. It has always been this way and it will not change.

So we have the diet figured out. The second part of our 3 month weight loss plan is, of course, exercise. The big factor here is to be consistent, so make sure that the activities you choose will be enjoyable for you.

For the purposes of this article here are my tips for exercise.

Exercise Tip 1: Do some weight training. I advise my client to try to fit in 3 sessions of around 20-30 minutes per week of resistance exercises that focus on the whole body. This can be with free weights or body weight, whichever is available. Just be sure to include lots of full-body movements that use a lot of muscles in each exercise. These include exercises like lunges; push-ups, pulling exercises and squats. If you don’t know how to do it, invest in a fitness program that you can follow or hire a personal trainer to give you tips and routines to follow. Do three 20-minute total-body strength-training workouts per week. Ask a trainer to show you how to do squats, push-ups, rowing exercises, and other multi-muscular exercises that allow you to train many muscle groups in a short amount of time.

Exercise Tip 2: Be sure to get cardio – This is very important for weight loss, but instead of normal steady state cardio, focus on interval training. This is where you do periods of higher intensity followed by periods of lower intensity to recover. Just repeat this pattern for about 20 minutes. If you can do this 3 times a week, preferably after resistance work, you’ll have a great fat burning workout.

Exercise Tip 3 – Start being active – Don’t just reserve your energy for the gym, try to be as active as possible every day. Enjoy activities that are fun, relaxing, but get you moving. This could include walking, yoga, other sports, or just playing with the family. The trick is to be burning calories without realizing it.

If you want to know how to lose weight in 3 months, follow these guidelines and you won’t go wrong. Just think that with a few changes to your diet and lifestyle you could lose 10-20 pounds in 90 days.

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