A rundown of how to lose 6 pounds in a week would be a good place to start, but we know that wanting to lose weight fast is perfectly reasonable, especially if you have a major event you want to slim down for. It’s not easy to lose six pounds in a week, but it has been done. However, long-term lifestyle changes are also recommended if you want to keep those pounds off. So grab a pen and notepad because you might want to write this down for easy reference in the future. Here is the summary:

I’m going green. Focus on adding more vegetables to your diet as they contain a lot of fiber which aids in the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients needed by the body. Vegetables fill you up without adding calories. In addition, the carbohydrates found in vegetables are gradually digested by the body, eliminating the need for a mid-morning or late-afternoon snack.

get to work. Combine your diet with regular exercise. A workout that consists of strengthening exercises like lifting weights along with cardio moves like running, swimming, or jogging can make a big difference. Not only does it burn fat, it also improves posture. 45 minutes to an hour of daily exercise will produce the desired results.

snacking is fun. Opt for those chips and other snacks that are high in sodium. Try eating fruit as a snack instead. You can find the good things you need in fruits, including fiber that promotes digestion. They are low in calories too. Plus, a serving of fruit packed in a Ziploc brand bag is easy to slip into a purse or pocket, so you can have a boost when you need it.

Be wise with sodium. Check package labels before you buy. Many foods can be low in calories, but you may be surprised at how much sodium they contain. Sodium in the body allows excess water to be retained, causing you to gain more weight. When preparing your food, try different spices and herbs for flavor, and don’t go overboard with salt.

Be natural. French fries, cookies, white rice, pasta – these are foods that have been processed in a factory before being brought to market. Having these in your diet will not help your cause. These foods are not only high in fat and carbohydrates, but also contain refined sugars that can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Choose foods that contain whole grains instead.

Overall, there really isn’t a foolproof way to lose six pounds in a week, but if you take these tips to heart and combine them with your willpower, you’ll be absolutely fine. After all, losing weight is also 1% inspiration and 99% inspiration.

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