Yes, the title is a bit strange, but for many years, folklore has suggested that the key to a baby’s gender lies in what mothers eat before pregnancy. For those parents-to-be wondering how to have a baby boy, research has shown that this is an area worth considering if you want to have a child of a particular gender.

The stories vaguely say that red meat and salty snacks can lead to boys and that eating chocolate and the like can lead to girls. Until recently, there was no firm evidence that this was true, although there was certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that there was more to it than just an old wives’ tale.

For the past two years, scientists have conducted an experiment in which they compared 20 mice on a so-called “regular” diet versus 20 fed a diet that mimicked a high-sugar diet in humans. The results showed that those who ate a normal diet produced offspring that were more than 53% boys, while those who ate a mock diet with more sugar produced babies that were more than 60% girls.

In contrast, the same thing happened when the mice were fed a low-sugar diet rich in red meat and salty foods, such as hamburgers and fries, and the proportion of male pups born was much higher than the control group.

These experiments have not been carried out on humans, but the research clearly indicates that the results would be similar and it is true that many “old wives’ tales” have more scientific basis than we would like to admit. In fact, diet is just one way to naturally influence the sex of our children.

For those looking to have a baby boy, recommended foods include red meat, eggs, raisins, mushrooms, breads, and beans. Also, foods rich in potassium, such as oranges and bananas, can be helpful, as can salty foods. In addition, it is thought that women who consume at least your recommended daily intake of calories are more likely to conceive a boy.

So while eating large amounts of hamburgers and large plates of fries won’t guarantee you’ll have a baby boy, there’s evidence to suggest there’s more to this than just a throwaway comment, and that by eating these types of foods, you can increase your chances of having a baby boy. odds in your favor.

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