There are four main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. All these four cause one to behave and react to things differently. It is important to note that we cannot change the temperament of our spouses. Rather, we have to learn to tolerate and manage their strengths and weaknesses. Temperament is the Maker’s method of creating variety. Come to think of it, what would the world be like if we all had the same temperament?

Many people do not accept the truth about temperaments. But you see, the reality of the various personalities cannot be avoided, but stares us in the face all the time. Therefore, we must be aware of these realities and fight against any negative propensities that are common to our personalities and our loved ones. Since we cannot change the temperament of our spouses, it is important that we know and understand their temperaments so that we can easily accept and flow with them, as well as forgive them when they hurt us, as their weaknesses will often offend us. I want to address one of the four main temperaments: the melancholic, in this post.

Melancholic people are very analytical, deep and do everything in the proper order with a clear memory of all things. They are persistent and see one project through to completion before starting another. Melancholic people are self-sacrificing, willingly giving up their own personal needs for the good or to meet the needs of others. They treat others with deference, honor and esteem. They are sensitive: they care intensely about others and about what happens. When you see someone who is consistent, dependable, steadfast, loyal and devoted, sometimes beyond reason, then you are looking at a melancholic. They love to live according to a daily plan and don’t like to have their plan interrupted. They always wish to behave within their realm of what seems appropriate to them.

However, melancholic people usually avoid attracting attention, as a result of shyness that makes their spouses feel that they are not wanted or loved. They have difficulty forgiving when wronged or wronged, tend to hold grudges, and often harbor bad feelings as a result of real or imagined offenses. This makes them very destructive. Because they are fussy, they dwell on insignificant matters or details and demand great attention for trivial matters. This can lead to unnecessary fights in relationships. Melancholics also always feel insecure, apprehensive and lacking in confidence. They easily get jealous when they see their spouse in the company of the opposite sex. They demand perfection, they are hard to please, they set standards so high that they are hard to meet, and they generally alienate others, making them unpopular. This usually affects your sex life.

They are overly sensitive, pessimistic, and usually don’t get very emotional, but easily fall low often when they don’t feel appreciated. They are overly sensitive, easily offended when misunderstood, skeptical, vindictive, highly critical, and depressed most of the time. They are introverted, with inward-directed thoughts or interests, and live within themselves.

The following tips will guide you to excellently manage your brooding spouse.

1. At least try to be sensitive to the things that worry you. Even if you don’t pretend Since they are analytical, they can easily figure it out and this can make things worse. The only way to be sensitive to them is to truly learn to be. In fact, being sensitive to melancholics makes them love you more. They love without thinking! That is the main way to make them submit to you with pleasure. Showering them with sensitive words, “kill them.” When you are in love with a melancholic and you want to win his heart, use the “key of sensitivity”. Most withdrawn and difficult-looking girls’ hearts are won by this key of sensitivity. With this key, you will realize that the love of the melancholic does not cost anything, although it is not cheap.

2. Since melancholics are obsessed with organization and schedules, give them stability. You do this by doing things the way you want to see them and at certain times.

3. When they feel alienated and depressed, give them some space. At those times, they need a space that is strictly theirs. Give them plenty of time to come out of their shell. Being too aggressive with them will cause them to rebel.

4. Silence is beautiful for them. Create one for them! Control the volume of your TV and radio and there are no screaming children around you. Sometimes they just feel like not answering phone calls. Don’t get irritated when he or she sometimes refuses to answer your calls. He or she is probably enjoying it. This is not a sign that he or she doesn’t love you! He or she may be in the “melancholy times.”

5. Be quick to apologize when you see they are offended. The magic words will do, “SORRY.” Say them with emotion and with a striking tone.

6. Avoid arguing with them even if they are wrong. That makes them depressed, moody and very critical. Show them lots of love at such times by keeping them calm and quiet. Remember that silence is beautiful for them. That explains why most melancholics love calm people!

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