Home makeovers don’t have to cost a fortune. There are ways to redecorate and rejuvenate your home without going into debt or breaking the bank. Read on for simple tips on how you can update your home for less.

1. Always have a plan.

Before you even step foot inside a Home Depot or local department store, you should be prepared with a complete plan of what you are going to do.

By identifying exactly where you want to make changes and how you want to decorate your home, you’ll save money in the long run. Start by visualizing the style you want, along with the overall theme, and then figure out exactly where you want to make major or structural changes. For inspiration, try looking up decorating magazines and manuals at your local library.

The most critical component of any project is a detailed plan. Without one, you’ll likely make a series of purchases you’ll later regret, or partially finish the project and end up starting over.

Remember, just because you have a plan doesn’t mean you can’t buy a great lamp that’s on sale. Rather, it just means that the lamp should fit into your overall plan.

2. Highlight your focal points.

Redecorating does not mean that you have to reform the entire house. By concentrating on a particular area, you can focus more effort and budget on major renovations that can have a big impact on your curb appeal.

One of the best returns on any home decorating investment is a kitchen project. By updating your countertops, appliances, and cabinets, you’ll not only highlight an important focal point, but you’ll also invest in your home’s future value.

3. Identify your needs.

Are you redecorating because you want a new look or because you need to create additional space for a new kid or home business? Do you hope to make it more attractive to guests or more functional for young children? By identifying the “why” behind your decorating choice, you’re less likely to get off track.

If your goal is to create a new space, then you will focus on space-saving, multifunctional pieces. But, if a new and contemporary look is your goal, then you know to steer clear of those adorable country kitchen chairs that don’t really fit your plan.

4. Measure twice, buy once.

Especially if you are buying in bulk or on sale, it is extremely important to know all of your measurements. Deeply discounted furniture is often non-returnable, which means if you accidentally buy a sofa that’s too big for your living room, you may have to buy an ax to cut it to size. Even if you can return the mis-measured furniture, it will result in wasted time and certainly non-refundable shipping costs.

5. Save money where it counts.

Just as you should spend money on high-quality items like flooring, you should also save money where it is needed. One of the easiest places to save money is in accessories and fabrics, so when it comes to throw pillows and upholstery, be prepared to hunt for a bargain. You can find them at specialty stores, thrift stores, and through a casual search online.

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