Here are some ways to prevent your marriage and sex life from turning into boredom:

(1) Good communication is the key to a healthy sex life in a marital relationship

Talk to others often. Share your sexual desires with your spouse. Talk to him/her about your expectations of lovemaking.

(2) Mutual love

Let your spouse know that you care and always keep that in mind. Women especially like positive feedback from their husbands in the form of verbal appreciation about their efforts, sacrifices, and commitments they make in their marriages. Show her how much you care about her by helping her with some chores around the house, like doing the dishes after dinner, or at least cleaning yours if you finish last, it will help her a lot. Remember special occasions like marriage anniversary, her birthday, etc.

(3) Willingness to reserve time for each other

As life gets busier and schedules get more hectic, plan your sexual encounter with him/her. Make sex one of your top priorities. You also need to recognize that sex may not be perfect at times, so don’t compare her sex life to what you see in movies or on TV.

(4) Try to cultivate the mood in advance.

Being in a bad mood most of the day or ignoring your spouse during the day sets a bad tone for making love in the latter part of the day. If you want to enjoy a pleasurable sexual experience at night, start foreplay in the morning.

(5) Be responsible

Both you and your spouse are equally responsible for keeping the romance alive in your marriage. Don’t expect this to be a one-sided effort.

(6) Building intimacy in your marriage

This involves more than just having great sex. It is a continuous process of discovering each other. Intimacy is achieved when both of you can share thoughts, opinions, and feelings with each other. You can increase your marital intimacy by:

(a) Spending time together as a couple, such as walking together holding hands; watch a romantic movie together; making appointments for lunch, dinner at their favorite restaurants or going to the movies or picnics. Schedule date nights or one-on-one time when the kids are out or in bed, or arrange for temporary babysitting.
(b) Having fun together, be it on a spontaneous trip, dancing, walking, walking on the beach, reading a book together, throwing a party for friends, taking a shower or jacuzzi together, etc.
(c) Surprise each other, such as giving you an unexpected gift out of love (not guilt); write a romantic note to her spouse and leave it in unexpected but accessible places in the house.

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