Chiropractic Care Can Help With Sleep

If you have a sleeping disorder, chiropractic care can help you get the rest you need to be healthy. Sleep deprivation has been linked to many health problems including fatigue, irritability, and memory loss. In addition, sleep issues can also put you at risk of a number of accidents and injuries, making it important that you find a way to get better rest and improve your overall quality of life.

The American Sleep Association reports that 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, and while there are many different remedies available to those who have problems with their sleeping patterns, a visit to a chiropractor may be just the ticket for getting better rest. This all-natural approach can help reduce the pain, stress, and tension that are common factors in insomnia and other sleep disorders.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Sleep have a wide variety of natural, non-invasive therapies that are designed to address the root cause of your symptoms rather than just masking them with medication or other treatments. These strategies include spinal adjustments, soft tissue massage, breathing exercises, lifestyle support, and other treatments that can all work together to get you back to a restful night’s sleep without the use of prescription medications.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Sleep

Most people with sleep disorders are diagnosed with insomnia, a condition that is most commonly caused by physical and psychiatric reasons. However, it can also be caused by a number of different factors that are often overlooked or even ignored. In addition to medical and psychiatric conditions, back and neck pain, discomfort during sleep, and environmental factors can all be contributory to insomnia.

Patients who suffer from sleep apnea experience episodes of pauses in breathing while asleep that can lead to airway blockages and other serious complications. The goal of chiropractic therapy is to correct misalignments and subluxations in the neck and upper spine that can contribute to this condition. Using soft tissue massage, a chiropractor can relax the muscles that are causing the obstruction and encourage proper breathing. Practitioners may also recommend specific breathing exercises that are focused on strengthening the soft tissues that are associated with snoring and apnea.

While many people believe that chiropractic is only used to treat back pain, this all-natural form of healthcare can be a huge benefit for your sleep. Adjustments ease the stress and tension that can interfere with sleep, which is why so many people have reported a positive change in their ability to fall and stay asleep after receiving treatment.

A misaligned spine can cause a number of health problems that are not easily fixed by traditional methods, and this is why it is so important to seek out a qualified chiropractor when you have sleep problems. The alignment of the spine can reduce the buildup of tension, increase blood flow, and promote more efficient nerve function throughout the body, all of which make it easier to get to sleep.

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